[MANUAL] - creating maps on desktop computer (9.12.2010)

Started by Menion, October 04, 2010, 12:26:26

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do you have some small sample of OruxMaps sqlite db? If this db is similar to one I use, should be easier to write native support in locus

so if you should attach one sample database here or send me on email, I'll look at it ...
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Hi Menion,

Attached is a file containing the following
An Orux db for one tile at zoom 10
A RMap db of the same tile
An Orux db for 9 tiles at zoom 10
A RMap db for the same 9 tiles
The MOBAC profile for the 9 tiles selected.

All atlases were created using MOBAC 1.9 Beta 3

I hope these will be of use to you.
Looking at the databases the table structure is similar but the tile naming scheme and the number of tiles is different.
Also Orux uses an xml file to hole the zoom, bounds and image size.

Let me know if you would like any other information.



Quote from: "simonb"Using OruxMapDesktop you can convert a ozi map to a sqllite db, this is a different format to Locus though.
I am looking into writing a sql script that can create a Locus db from the Orux one.
I have looked at the code in Mobile Atlas Creator, and it seems that the images are stored the same way, so I hope that Locus can use them as is.
Going to spend a little bit of time trying to convert a single tile, single layer map.

Will report back later.
it's useless. Orux only stores images(size may differ from 256x256) in the database and information about projection, top-left, bottom-right coordinates & etc is stored in xml file.
Locus db format is suitable only for online sources.


Quote from: "gribnik"... Locus db format is suitable only for online sources.
Are you sure ? Locus use offline maps (atlases) perfectly isn't ? Maybe different DB ?

Actually we need 1 of the 2 options :
1) locus can open others maps sources
2) a tool to convert maps to Locus

I'm pretty sure Menion will have a good solution for us.   :D

With oruxmap desktop, only a single image as map can be calibrated. It would be greater to be able to make atlases than single map. I heard something about a tool for making atlases for Trekbuddy. I will try to find something.


QuoteAre you sure ? Locus use offline maps (atlases) perfectly isn't ? Maybe different DB ?
x,y fields in locus db is a position on the map server (the map type stored in info.provider field). All information about geo coordinates you're getting from position of tile, zoom and map provider type.
x,y  fields in orux database is a position on a scanned image, it always starts from 0,0 for upper-left tile and so on

GlobalMapper can export to google maps tiles. it rotates the image if needed, scales image to the selected googlemaps zoom(s) and splits the image. Also it can merge several ozi's maps but for tiles structure it doesn't matter. After it can be easely inserted into sqlite db.

Or use trekbuddy "tared" format.


Quote from: "Minjin"Hi,

Is there a way that Locus use maps made with that converter tool ? http://ozimapconverter.narod.ru/index_en.html
There is so many software to make offline maps: TTQV, Fugawi, Pathaway, Oziexplorer. I mean making offline maps with paper maps scanned, cd-rom maps, etc. Not created maps from internet like MOBAC.

With Oruxmap there is a desktop tool to make maps with coordinates. I tested it with http://map.geo.admin.ch/?lang=en
1. printet in PDF from website
2. exported in .jpg with "PDF-exchang viewer"
3. getting px coordinate on jpg with "photofiltre" and coordinates on map
4. use OruxMapDesktop to make the map for Oruxmap
Works well! I can make a tuto if needed but miss the tool to make the map for locus.

Would be nice to find a way to make it.

Someone can make a tool to use images and calibration files to make locus maps ?

I can make maps from TTQV to make tests. (.jpg and .cal).

Locus map is so great but I think "creating maps" is missing !!!

Did you ever find a way to do this? I want to do it too! Thanks


don't know what exactly are you searching for but conversion from Ozi maps (that can be created from paper maps and some calibration data right?) can be done with this http://locus.asamm.cz/?page_id=150#ozimaps.
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Basically trying to make maps from paper maps & calibration data...don't want to have to pay $100+ for something like OziExplorer to do it. OruxMapDesktop can do it, but then I don't know how to convert oruxmaps to locus. Looking for a free or cheap (like $20 or less) way of doing it. So I was asking if Minjin ever found a good way, since he talked about OruxMapDesktop.

EDIT: It looks like MAPC2MAPC can also calibrate maps, not just convert, I will investigate more, but that might do the trick. Fairly cheap too.


My results:

1. Using MAPC2MAPC to calibrate the map and saving sqlite DB --> once in Locus, comes out wrong and stretched compared to where it should be. This could be because MAPC2MAPC doesn't support very many projections...it didn't support the one I needed (Lambert_Conformal_Conic), so I just picked another one, but it could be wrong. Or perhaps the calibration method in MAPC2MAPC doesn't work very well.

2. Calibrating the map in google earth by hand, saving as KMZ, using MAPC2MAPC to load the KMZ and save out sqlite DB --> Positioned correctly, but image quality suffers (appears as if the image was shrunk 50%, then blown back up 200% again, getting a blurry/pixelated look to it)

3. Used a trial version of OziExplorer to calibrate the map, then used the script elsewhere on this forum to convert ozi map to .tar format...the quality comes in perfectly in Locus, but the map is not rotated (north is not up on my map), and when I scroll on the screen in Locus, the map moves very funny.

Do you know any good method of creating maps from paper maps into locus?


unfortunately I don't know. I'm not experienced with this, but I suggest to write to author of Mapc2mapc. I'm sure he will respond you
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Hi All,

I am trying to calibrate a topo map in the alps (Madonna di campiglio hiking map, first image in the webpage below)
http://www.campigliodolomiti.it/lang/EN ... io,47.html

using Google earth to calibrate the map and generate a kml file and MAPC2MAPC to save a calibrated map directly in Mobile Atlas format, it even has atlas Locus / RMAPS sqlite.db.

The procedure is very simple, described here:

The point is that... it does not work perfectly. The sqlitedb file is generated, I copied it underl Locus / maps and it is opened correctly almost in the right location, but it is not precise and some tiles seems to be missing.

Did somebody try to calibrate a map in this way? If it would work, it would be much easier than the above methods... Am I doing something wrong?

Thank you in advance,

Edit: I also wrote to the author of MAPC2MAPC, I will keep you informed...


Hi everybody,

Is it possible to download maps created with Microsoft Streets & Trips 2011 in Locus ? I know that the supported GPS have to be NMEA 2.0 compatible or later. Maps format is .est.

Thank's !!!!!


Hi everybody, this looks like a really great application (esp with the 'extended' functionality :) )

I do have a problem with creating maps on a desktop computer with MOBAC and importing them to Locus. I've tried creating medium maps (say 30 x 30 km) at multiple  zoom levels (8-10-12-14-16), in various formats - sqlitedb and tar. After I create them with MOBAC (ver 1.8) I copy them to the SD card, in the Locus > Maps dir or in any other place and I try to import them, but without success. Locus doesn't auto recognize them in the "Maps" dir and the import function also doesn't find them when I browse the directory with the map files itself, wherever it is placed.

Any advice on how I can import medium to large maps made on PC, with MOBAC or any other map creator (only those that support Google) ?

Thanks for the support.


Quote from: "c3po"After I create them with MOBAC (ver 1.8)

Try version 1.9 beta 1. There's a link to it higher up this thread. That version works for me.


Nevermind that, great news everyone... I re-DL'ed the maps in sqlitedb format (RMaps), put the resulting sqlitedb file into Locus > maps and... it works ! :) When the aplication started, it said something like "initialising" and it auto recognized the copied file. This really is the greatest map application I know, especially for people interested in multiple map sources and particularly in good quality sat imaging maps. Congratulations to the developer for doing such a great job.