Cannot upload Field Notes

Started by CaptKaos2, June 05, 2014, 19:31:25

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I don't know if there is a problem with server or it is a problem with GC4Locus or Locus and the new api I've seen mentioned in the Forum.
When I returned today, as usual I connected to the Internet and selected Geocaching Live. But unlike normal, I was given the option to Login . after completing the login page on I see a green box with login valid in it and then a box with working in it. after a while I then get a red box with  Status Code :1 | Status Message : Fail | Detail: {blank}
I thought that the problem might be with GC4 Locus so I went into it and loged out and tried to Log back in After putting in my login details and selecting Allow I get a box with Error occurs! | Fail | Exception | LiveGeocachingApiException.

I will log all the caches manually so I don't Lose the Details, but any ideas.


same by me
i tryed it at that moment
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4

the trekbuddies

the same was happening when trying to log online via locus this afternoon , but all seam ok again now  :)


Same here, just after I had put all my cache finds by hand.  :(
What are playing at, yesterday I could not see stats.


There were no changes in a way how locus communicate with, so if there some new problems, you now know where is problem :)

Sent from my D5503 using Tapatalk

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I don't know what they are playing at, took 3 attempts today to get to uploaded field notes, Browser kept timing out. Wish they would inform users when they are working on the site.  >:(

They will still want my renewal fee on time in a few months.