Does Locus Map Support .loc Files?

Started by x000111, April 13, 2014, 01:14:37

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Maybe I am doing something wrong when I try to import because I get the message below. Does Locus Map Pro support .loc files? I'm using the latest version on KitKat. Any info would be much appreciated on this.

QuoteFile(s) do not contain any points or tracks for the import

Do you want to load and display content on map?


Where did you get these .loc files from?
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I was downloading .loc files of nearby benchmarks off of I was able to find gpsbabel, a Linux command line tool, and convert them to KML. That worked. However, I would still like to know if Locus supports .loc files.


As you can see here loc files from are available for basic memeber. They do not contain all information of the geocache like the corresponding gpx-files you can download from as a premium member.

So importing should work although the information they contains are realy very "basic".
More information can be found here.
Although it is  not  realy clear,  if locus supports loc-files for importing geocaches. Maybe the  information the  loc-file contains is not enough to import that  data as a  geocache.


"loc" files should be supported, but it's true that it is quite a long time since I tested it. If there are any problems, please share some loc files I should test and that do not work with latest Locus version. Thank you and sorry for a troubles!
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c.s.g., thanks for the links. It's always good to have some resources. Unfortunately, there isn't an option to download GPX files for benchmarks.

menion, I've attached a file that gives me the error that is mentioned in my original post. I hope this helps.



hmm so it works correctly, but Locus do not analyze this file during import, so you probably see message, that file do not contain any data. I'll fix it to next Locus version, but till then, you may use small workaround.

Just place you .loc file into Locus/mapItems directory and then start Locus, go to menu > Data > Items (tab) and here tap on your file. This should work.
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Thank you. I will do that until the next update.