Problems playing my own Cartridge

Started by nwendt, November 20, 2010, 23:13:54

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I actually played my own cartridge today with wheryougo on Android 2.1 (HTC Hero). I have two problems:

1. I talk to a virtual person/charakter. After that, I see "give". I want to give person an item (maybe money). I press "give" and then I see a message from this person like that "Thank you for givin me... blabla...". Now my problem: When I play my cartridge in Emulator (PC) and I press "give", I see a new menu, where I can choose my item "money". Then I will press "money" and than the message of the Person/charakter will be shown.
This is important for me. Because in your app the player will not see, WHAT he/she is giving the person/charakter. You know?
Can you help me?

2. I use many locations. So many, that I have to scroll on my Android (Hero). But the "scrolling" does not work. I can't select the location what is at the end of the side, because when I want to scroll there, it always jumps upwards...?? What can I do??

Thanks for your help!



  about first problem ... currently have not much time to try, but ... can you test your cartridge also on OpenWig in emulator or not-smartphone phone? It this problem is also in OpenWig, post this issue on OpenWig google code page here. When Matejcik solve this problem, I'll release new version.
  It this problem is only in WhereYouGo, I'm sure, I'll fix this.

  As well as your second problem. It is surely problem in WhereYouGo. Everytime, you change location, I refresh whole list of targets which cause, that list always return to top item. This will be fixed in next release ...

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