[APP] - version 2.20.X+ (updated 27.5.2014)

Started by Menion, March 25, 2014, 16:20:46

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QuoteHow do you export the "track.kmz" exactly?
thanks for your demand ;)
it doesn´nt matter i export the "track with POI photos" from opened track or from datafolder, see screenshots

The  .kmz do not open with GE.  :o
Rename it to .zip and unzip this folder, after click on .kml the track with attached photos open well in GE :D

accidentally i found a bug while cleaning  data "unused Attachements" , the used photos of this track are deleted, see video
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Quote from: menion on April 18, 2014, 10:13:59
@KaHeMu, Gynta: thanks, you're right so buttons for editing coordinates switched.


It's a nice feeling sitting on harbour of Capri/Italy and read such good news!

Zufall ist, wenn das Schicksal eine Maske aufsetzt, um nicht erkannt zu werden.  (Wepper)


Quote from: balloni55 on April 18, 2014, 13:23:00
QuoteHow do you export the "track.kmz" exactly?
thanks for your demand ;)
np - i know, be ignored is frustrating ;)

QuoteThe  .kmz do not open with GE.  :o
I'm not able, to reproduce this.
see attachment
maybe we make different things...

see second 10-13 in the clip.
maybe it's not clear for new users why there are 0 Points
(because there are 2 WP in the track)
any idea?


@balloni: firstly thanks for this issue with deleted attachments and sorry for this. Problem found and fixed.

Your file is anyway mystery. I've reduced it's content to single line with two points and even this is not loaded ... why? Why no error in Google Earth? I have no idea for now :)

And THANK YOU for nice wish!! Very nice

@gynta: hmm, I don't want to display there some complex messages (as well as during import). Writing "Imported one track with 2 attached waypoints" should be more confusing then this I think.
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Hmm, new version is here.

Don't kill me and rather say me what you don't like and mainly what you do better!! ;)

Also wish nice weekend and if you plan to test this version in the wild, please keep also perfectly working 2.20.2 Pro version, to be sure
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Quote from: menion on April 18, 2014, 17:12:16
@balloniYour file is anyway mystery. I've reduced it's content to single line with two points and even this is not loaded ... why? Why no error in Google Earth? I have no idea for now :)
got it
replace "ö" to "oe" INSIDE kmz


ah damn, I tried everything inside the file and not the name itself. You're genius, thank you :)
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Hello menion,

what a nice feature with automatic starting of track recording.
And such wonderful buttons there are better for thick fingers on small devices and more attractive.
Get Locus a new GUI?

Zufall ist, wenn das Schicksal eine Maske aufsetzt, um nicht erkannt zu werden.  (Wepper)


Sorry, but the new track recording is not acceptable to me.

Now you need 2 clicks instead of 1 to start, stop or pause track recording.
Search before posting!!!
XDA Orbit, HTC Touch HD, SGS1, SGS2, Nexus S, S4 Active, OnePlus One, Innos D6000
OnePlus X


18.4.2014 - Locus
Quote- completely new panel for Track record
in my case:
before: tap pause/stop
now: double tap to activate panel - tap record  - tap pause
GUI looks nice - but...

Quote- completely new settings for track record based on profiles (removed old)
Settings -> Track recording -> Add more
- It's not possible to cancel - profile was added immediately. its boring to remove
- please add walk cycle car as default profiles - and cycle as default setting - instead of "my profile"

Quote- added ability to define 'Quick add point' also for track record
good idea!

Quote- improved adding points to tracks
same as pause/stop problem obove.

Quote- switched function of buttons on "CoordinatePanel"
nice, thx

Quote- fixed layout of description in point screen (automatic breaks for non-html text)
nice, thx

Quote- fixed problem with refresh of track on main screen after "Fill altitude"


OK, I agree the track recording looks nice.

You can leave it as it is, when you implement clickable buttons in dashboard editor to target your own Locus API to handle track recording.

Search before posting!!!
XDA Orbit, HTC Touch HD, SGS1, SGS2, Nexus S, S4 Active, OnePlus One, Innos D6000
OnePlus X


@KaHeMu: not completely. Just this feature. It's needed before I start work on new screen for tracks. Track recording is next to searching most used function and I personally had sometimes problems to handle it on bike etc (too small buttons hidden at bottom), so we decided to create whole screen that offers more possibilities. This is just a first version ...

@Gynta, Matthias: I though about some always visible small button on left side when track record is enabled, or maybe control in notification bar of your device, and yes - clickable buttons to dashboard, agree

"Add more" button - is "Cancel" really needed? How often you tap on it by accident when you know how it works?

Btw. is system of profiles clear for you?
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Quotealways visible button
thats the point!

Quote"Add more" button - is "Cancel" really needed?

QuoteBtw. is system of profiles clear for you?
what about defaults?


defaults - no worry. They'll be there. I just have to re-thing, what are really best settings as defaults. Same with content of track record panel. Hope you noticed that content (panels) may change by tap on it :).

I also want to limit number of profiles for a Free version, probably just on 2, so I'll need just two defaults
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I did not find out if the new track record panel auto-hides after starting a new track. If not it should to avoid another tap on backup arrow.
I want to see only the map after starting.
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