online maps

Started by InfX, March 20, 2011, 00:32:13

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I've just discovered the Locus Pro application posted on a warez site (yea, i know, i know, and it's my first post, but don't kill me, i do buy android apps if i end up liking them since the price is usually very reasonable  ;) ), downloaded it and went on trying it. First of all - nice app. What really seems to differentiate this app from other similar ones is the amount of map sources and an ability to download an area of an online map onboard. There is one map source i have yet to encounter on a similar app, missing on this one as well, the maps. I wonder if it would be hard for the devs to add it, together with the POIs from there and the downloading the maps/pois for the offline usage, just like with the rest of the sources.

PS: if is added, i am sooooo buying it  :)


QuoteI've just discovered the Locus Pro application posted on a warez site, downloaded it and went on trying it.
Why don't try free or evaluate versions instead of admitting in public, that you are a burglar? Nice to know ;)


QuoteFirst of all - nice app. What really seems to differentiate this app from other similar ones is the amount of map sources and an ability to download an area of an online map onboard.
PS: if is added, i am sooooo buying it  
Don't you think that the features from first sentence are worth the PRO version? If not, why don't you go for the free version? If you don't like ads, you still can go for the last free version, where you can disable maps. ->

And another small question: Don't you know, that warez sites offers their service not harm the devs but to harm users like you build in viruses and trojans?
Have a nice day anyway...  :mrgreen:
Search before posting!!!
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First let me answer why ive installed the pirated version, not a free trial... because it was there. Thats it. Warez sites often give you a better lookout of whats out there than any official site, sad but true. I would never know about the app without that warez site.

Why not the trial one ? No reason, really, again, it was already there, with a link.

Is it worth the payment ? For me, without any descent topo map source for Israel - probably not, probably not even worth keeping it installed. Preparing the maps on a PC is possible, but for that there are other free alternatives i already use.

BTW, i may know more about this stuff than you would imagine, dont teach me about viruses, trojans, botnets etc. And also, most of the times, posts like those, yelling "you dowload warez, shame on you" come from some heavy warez users, but never from a devs !

And for those who still think pirates never pay, ive got quite a lot of stuff legit, actually, most of it. Tasker, newsrob, tapatalk.... just to name a few. And guess what, its not because its impossible to get those pirated, actually, those are on every warez site imaginable.

PS: lets make this post be the last warez related one on this thread, ok? Thanks.


Hmm i'm really suprised how fast is cracked version on warez forum. Doesn't worry about it now.

Anyway map added, this was simple ...
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Nice :)

Should i buy the paid one for it or should i dl the free one first ?

Btw, did you add the blue POIs and the overlay tracks there too ? Thats an important part of that map.


this will be also in free of course.

Anyway POI's aren't there because they are just an blue circle on map. I cannot get informations with some simple way. And track ... are they needed without points?
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Those blue circles are not just a part of the map tiles, those are actually overlayed on top of the map. There should be a way to get the POI info for them somehow, the fact is, the original (browser) app is getting it somehow. Not sure if it does it client side, though, but i'll try sniffing the traffic and taking a look when i am back home (my boss is going to kill me if i start doing it here, lol). I'll post my finding here, on this very thread. About the tracks, the point is, the topo map there is missing the trail markings, while the end users can add those manually, in a "wiki" style. This is not really as good as officially marked trails, but it is certainly better than nothing, with or without the POIs. In fact, having a topo map without ANY trails marked is kinda defies it's point, isn't it.

BTW, have you noticed there are 4 map types there, 1:50000, Aerial, City and "PEF-1880" ? The other 3 are less useful, but should be as easy to add the first one, so why not, especially the "PEF-1880" (thats an historical map, it can be a nice gimmick, lol).

PS: About it being cracked this fast, it may be easier than you could imagine. I am not a cracker myself, but really, do look at the utilities such as baksmali, you may be surprised how well your java classes actually decompile  :twisted:

PPS: I am totally going to install the payed one, right now, as a "thanks" for your support.


I know baksmali ...

anyway information about points are from some simple request on server. This is not problem. Problem is how to implement this into Locus. This is just a part I'll not do right now. Later maybe. So I can add first map as just a background or with tracks together. Say what you think it's better. And yes, I added last one also. Second is classic google maps and third are osm maps. Both are already in locus.
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For the main map - together with the tracks is definitely better. For the "historical" map - keeping it without the tracks is better.

As for POIs, maybe, just maybe (no promises to anyone reading this), i'll code something on PC to fetch and convert the POIs from there myself and save those in some format locus can understand/import (btw, what are those ?).

Anyway, thanks again for adding the site. Did you know they want like x10 the price for a mobile app, with the mobile app being a WM only and the "moto" of the site being "creating a geographic/topo database, accessible by everyone, for free".


ok, done ..

anyway expect then when someone from that web site ask me to remove these maps, I'll do it ...
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If they do demand removing, please keep it commented out instead of literally removing it, so you can easily re-add it later. It may be quite possible to convince them to let you put it back if there is a public pressure on them on their own forum. Following points may be used to convince them:

  • The site and the information on it are meant to be free by their own claims, so you are not pirating anything here. You are taking some free information and displaying it in a convenient mobile form.
  • Your app is merely a more convenient way to access their site on Android, so if they remove the maps from your site, how comes they still let you access it with a browser. You can definitely look at your app as a "specialized browser for map viewing with advanced caching capabilities and other extra features, such  as GPS tracking".
  • There is no official application for Android OS, while the browser rendering of the site on Android is bad to say the least.

Also, instead of (or in addition to) removing , you may try offering your services as a coder to make them an official app and make some $$$-s on that, using your app as a base (and a demo of what you can do  :twisted: ).

PS: If/when you do remove it, please do note it on the market together with the update that removes it ;)