[APP] - version 2.19.X+ (updated 17.3.2014)

Started by Menion, February 14, 2014, 13:53:34

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Thanks menion!

Have you also tested it in Android 4.4(Kitkat) above ?
I guess that the initialization error of the sqlite map in the external SD is related with Android 4.4

External storage access

You can now read and write app-specific files on secondary external storage media, such as when a device provides both emulated storage and an SD card. The new method getExternalFilesDirs() works the same as the existing getExternalFilesDir() method except it returns an array of File objects. Before reading or writing to any of the paths returned by this method, pass the File object to the new getStorageState() method to verify the storage is currently available.

Other methods for accessing your app-specific cache directory and OBB directory also now have corresponding versions that provide access to secondary storage devices: getExternalCacheDirs() and getObbDirs(), respectively.

The first entry in the returned File array is considered the device's primary external storage, which is the same as the File returned by existing methods such as getExternalFilesDir().

Note: Beginning with Android 4.4, the platform no longer requires that your app acquire the WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE or READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE when you need to access only your app-specific regions of the external storage using the methods above. However, the permissions are required if you want to access the shareable regions of the external storage, provided by getExternalStoragePublicDirectory().



@gynta: finally, problem with "Quick switch" solved, thank you!

@beonun: unfortunately I have only Nexus 7 4.4, but it do not have external card! Anyway it's weird because Locus already has WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE permission, so there should not be any problem. Is only one map causing troubles?

Hmm also, if there should be restircted access to SD Card due to lack of any permission, then Locus should not start at all, because of inability to work with database files etc. So really, please check your map file, if there is not any problem with read only access to this file. Maybe restart a device to be sure there is not any lock on this file ...
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Anyway, I have tested a few sqlitedb mapfiles  in various ways  and restarted the device twice.
But it.s the same.

The Google offline mapfile(sqlitedb) is normally initialized in 'Device Storage', but it's not  in 'SD memory card'.
And .tar mapfile  is normally read in SD memory card.
That's it!



Ah I knew I already discuss about it, but wasn't able to find it!!!

Finally ... discussion is here http://forum.locusmap.eu/index.php?topic=3647.msg26187#msg26187 . Suggest to read mainly end if you don't want a whole story

@gynta: I just today received in one email
Please correct in the German translation "Fortsetztung" to "Fortsetzung"
I'm getting sick reading it all time.

Don't know of course which is correct ...

... after some time :)
I'm now really confused what apps may do and what not in latest A4.4+ ... http://beranger.org/2014/01/30/how-kitkat-4-4-killed-android-and-google-keeps-screwing-things/ . Is anyone with 4.4 experiencing any troubles with Locus accessing external SD card? I because of this, re-installed SGS2 to some alternative Omni ROM with 4.4 to check it, but it works without problems.
Here is also interesting topic about problem on Note 3 http://stackoverflow.com/a/21667960/836138 , where is suggested to fix problem with one hack in XML file ... interesting
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@ translation: thx ! - it was a typo - done

bugreport: enable / disable shading maps -> shading don't disapear.
i think its a known bug - right?

add clip..



Just a minor inconvenience: when I updated pro from 2.18 to 2.19, the dash-board setting was lost. When I tried to use my dash-board, nothing happened. I had to select it once again. I think there was a similar bug in the previous (2.17 to 2.18) upgrade.
What is backed up in backup manager's dashboard section? Only the dashboards or also the selection?


I found a problem with tile loading of the custom online map.
It happens on Pro 2.19.0 using providers.xml when attribute in provider tag has a certain value,
for example, Google Weather Satellite in Locus addon Map Tweak.



I found it also yesterday. Solved ... tomorrow will be new version and I hope, problems with map tiles will be finally solved

@stebu: hmm weird, because "Backup settings" by backup manager should really backup everything.
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Oh, you already knew and even solved that. Wonderful :)


@ta-ka: too late but fixed ...

anyway as I wrote - I want to release version with fixes today, so if anyone want to finish some translations, last chance during next few (maybe 2) hours ;)
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Quote from: menion on February 21, 2014, 11:09:48so if anyone want to finish some translations, last chance during next few (maybe 2) hours ;)
c'mon Menion - you know, email notification doesnt work,

sooo close  :D


@menion: I've just translated at crowdin.  Maybe I'm too late again...


nono guys, I'm just going to take it ... thank you very much! ;)

Two words - "My points", "My tracks" will be used in next version, so just three minor translations. That's why I noticed right five minutes before twelve ..
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wrong helptexts in quickswitch
think it works now...

download *.hgt file

edit track point freeze map.
works, but map should center to the NEW position.

since yesterday, forget on old "point screen", "edit point screen" and "geoaching screen". They all are now merged into one screen and rewroted from scartch. So good news - a lot of new bugs will appear ;)
ah and EDIT: "Save" button do not exists now. All is saved after you leave screen of point. If this is good approach or not, will show time and testing ...
1st. "Save" button exists
2nd. "take photo" crashed Locus after "save" picture from camera
3nd. press back -> no save -> no files :)

enable / disable shading maps -> shading don't disapear.

temporary navigation tracks are special cases. They are stored in database, but in invisible folder, so "Hide temp map item" has no effect on it. I'm taking it as a bug. In next version, "HIde temp items" hide also these tracks ...


Quote from: gynta on February 21, 2014, 21:39:59

since yesterday, forget on old "point screen", "edit point screen" and "geoaching screen". They all are now merged into one screen and rewroted from scartch. So good news - a lot of new bugs will appear ;)
ah and EDIT: "Save" button do not exists now. All is saved after you leave screen of point. If this is good approach or not, will show time and testing ...
1st. "Save" button exists
2nd. "take photo" crashed Locus after "save" picture from camera
3nd. press back -> no save -> no files :)

I hoped, there will be no need for next bug-fix version. So by "forget on old "point screen"", I though that there will be only new Point screen. But not, sorry :) ... hope that in next 2.20.0 finally will, but till then you will for sure see it in next test version ;). And thank you for precise testing. I hope all major problems will be fixed now and also that problems with maps will be compensed by increased speed of offline maps mainly on big screens ...
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