Displaying grid coordinates in the dashboard?

Started by Raino, January 19, 2014, 10:43:14

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I have previously used Ozi CE version on cheap Windows CE devices, and I have created custom screens for displaying just the coordinates as big as possible, like this:

I have recorded some tens of thousands of plant observations this way - with OziCE + pen + notebook combination -  during the past few years when driving in the southern half of Finland. Now I'd like to set up a similar screen in Locus Map.

I have modified the config_projections.cfg file so that now I am able to see the metric northings an eastings of the Finnish Uniform Coordinate System (EPSG:2393) in the upper left corner of the Locus Map screen. I am wondering if it might be possible to see them somehow in bigger font. However, it seems to me that only latitude and longitude values can be added to a custom dashboard. If so, is there some other means to get these values shown so that they could be easily watched when driving?

- raino


QuoteFor most people, that wants to create own screens, should be enough using of much simpler dashboard system, that offer similar functionality, in much less painful way.
Dashboard is anyway available only for Pro version and miss some advanced possibilities, like rotating images, completely free layout, etc.

-> http://docs.locusmap.eu/doku.php/manual:dashboard
-> http://docs.locusmap.eu/doku.php/manual:dashboard_editor

Oh i see now - the manual is "under construction" - sorry


I have the Pro version. The problem is that the dashboard editor does not offer other variables but latitude and longitude. I would like to display on the screen the metric northing and easting values of the projection that I have already chosen for the current map.

- raino


Did you try to change the display by using other coordinate type in Locus/Settings/Localication/Coordinate type and LatLon format?
These are the possibilities which work also in dash board.


guys Raino is correct, this is currently not possible. I'll think about it and let you know ...
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Quote from: Raino on January 19, 2014, 13:10:56
The problem is that the dashboard editor does not offer other variables but latitude and longitude. I would like to display on the screen the metric northing and easting values of the projection that I have already chosen for the current map.

Ah ok, now it's clear.
Another point for http://forum.locusmap.eu/index.php?topic=3350.msg23250#msg23250


I thought this will be simple, so I wanted to do it now. Problem appear with two line texts, but it's solved now. And I hope it will be useful in future also ...

so two new items will be in dashboard "source list". Your defined coordinates ...

biggest problem remain unsolved ... icons for these new items :)
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Icons might perhaps be such that they will be easily recognized as referring refer to eastings and northings. I guess that the values used will be metric values of UTM or some national grid (well, someone might be interested in an alphanumeric notation such as MGRS, British grid or Irish grid that combine the the position into a single string).

- raino


values will be these, defined in settings > localization > coordinate type! so there should almost everything
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