Map legend shortcut vor vector maps

Started by Tarantin, January 11, 2014, 01:00:24

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Sometime I should be good do have the possibility to get a map legend, like on our good old paper maps.

I know it is difficult to do thos with image maps, but for vector maps, themes should be an exploitable data source.
(Like in this link :

Is it possible then to create a new type of shortcut for displaying this?



Had the same desire and put it to wishlist

You can support the wish with the star rating on top of the page.
So we have to wait...


Legend for internal vector themes is available in the app:
- Menu > Map > Vector > long tap on map 
- below the themes is section "Basic info" which contains link to the Legend

or direct link:


Thanx Pet, but the link doesn't exist :(
And i guess the device has to be online to display the legend. ..?

Bucky Kid

I also had the wish of convenient way to show legend right in app for any format of raster maps providing the legend is stored somewhere on sdcard as raster image (jpg, png, ...). Leaving locus and locating it into media gallery is sometimes hard (ie. possible app exits, fix is lost etc.)

Sent from LT22i using Tapatalk


a legend can possibly created 'on the fly' or 'at first sight' from the info provided by the xml file of each theme. that can be stored near by the theme.xml as name_of_the_theme_legend.xml. If the theme is deleted the legend will disappear also :)
And it should be a nomenclature for this legend.xml so a theme designer can create the file by himself and Locus Map can use it.
only a idea...



yes, we were already thinking about some "Automatically generated legend" based on selected theme - but it won't be so easy and we have currently more important things to do ... but, yes, probably best possible solution
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Quote from: Christian on January 11, 2014, 12:00:19
but the link doesn't exist :(
And i guess the device has to be online to display the legend. ..?
Link is available only for Locus vector maps downloaded from store
And yes device has to be online


Another possibility is to create a map file that is actually a legend, this would then automatically show the current theme and would be easy to scroll and zoom  around...
User id: 62b600722
Author of the OS Map Theme:


Indeed. You can create an OSM syntax XML file with all elements of the theme placed nicely below or besides each other. Short segment of ways, places, amenities, all of them.
Somewhat tedious manually, but doable. Automation is also thinkable.
Yet, I am not a volunteer for either :-)


An year ago, we tried to do something like this with @voldapet directly over Locus Map ...

As I see, I have also a code in the app. But for reason I do not remember, we have canceled this task ...

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Andrew Heard

A pity. This would be a very welcome enhancement.

From a quick search 2 people have asked a similar question, and one suggestion has 23 votes from 4 years ago. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Yes, it would be nice if you could show it on the map content panel.
Is there a way to save it as a PDF on the phone and then call it up via a link in the sidebar or something like the links in favorites. That would be an acceptable interim solution until there is a good possibility via the Map Content Panel.
Poco F5, Android 13 / Xiaomi Redmi Note 10 Pro, Android 13
Locus Map 4 Gold (always latest version or Beta)
LM4 User-ID: 11cec7cb5  (Devices-ID poco F5)

Andrew Heard

An idea: currently there are 2 types of buttons that can be added to function panels:

  • Add function button
  • Add link to app
How about 3rd type: Add link to  file? This could for this discussion be a PDF map legend file, but could be any useful file in practice. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a