Missing folders

Started by mido, October 18, 2013, 19:54:21

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It started few weeks ago. When start the app and want to take picture and save it, folders I created before (and their content) are not there. I have to create all of them from beginning. The same applies to saving POIs.
Last time reverting to some previous backup helped, but today the same happened again, and I don't want to be forced to mess with backups every time I use Locus.

I will be grateful for solution for this problem.

Locus Pro 2.16.0
Samsung Galaxy Note II


Hi mido,

can you please explain your problem a bit more? What exactly are you doing?
Regards J.



Sorry if I wasn't clear enough.

I open the application,
- click the "Add new point (camera)" icon,
- take picture
- and in the next step there should be all the folders I created so far, like, let's say "Flowers", Towers", "Small mammals" with option to save the picture in one of them.
But there's nothing. I can't save the picture, because I'm prompt to create a folder before saving it, like there was nothing there before.
The same happens after choosing "Add new point" - all previously created folders are not there.

Hope it's clear now.



Hi Mido,
I'm not sure which function do you start "Add new point (camera) " icon?

Anyway can you please check that all yours folders and POIs are visible in Menu > Data before you start function Add new point?
Are you also able to send me all files from Sd card: Locus/data/database

Thank you


Thanks for reply, Petr,

I have both "Add new point (camera)" and "Add new point" icons on my right panel.
I restored everything 2 days ago, I opened Locus now, went to Menu > Data, and all tracks are there, but all POIs are gone again. It shows "To create a new folder..." etc.

I'll send you the files in a while.

Files sent.


thank you for files.
Please try following:
- leave only tracks.db file in database dir (remove all file with dot in front of name and also all waypoint.db
- Start Locus
- Locus will create new clear waypoint.db  file.
- Add and save some new folders and points
- Restart locus and check point in Data Manager

Anyway there is no reason why should Locus delete your points. So I strongly suggest to check your SD card in some diagnostic tool.



Reply on October 23, 2013, 18:18:03
Thank you for advice. I'll do what you suggest.
The card is OK, it's been already checked and I didn't notice any problems with it so far.

Well, before following voldapet's advice, I decided to restore data, because I didn't want to lose all folders and POIs created so far. I reduced number of visible tracks to two or three, and it seemed to solve the problem. For some time. My conclusion was, that maybe too much data loaded at Locus startup or one of the disabled tracks causing the problem.

But few days ago I had the same problem again. When Locus started everything was fine, all enabled POIs and tracks were visible, I started recording a new track, and when I wanted to save it, there were no folders at all. Nor in tracks, nor in points.

Can I ask somebody to take a look at the database? I'll send the files. Maybe this time it will show something. The last track is still unsaved (I didn't create any new folder to save it), so maybe it will help somehow.



please send me the DB files. But I guess that the issue will be the same as last time.  Previous files was empty so there has to be something what clear or delete your database. I'll discuss it with main developer.
Anyway would you mind to move Locus on internal storage? How to move:
- Exit Locus
- Copy whole Locus folder from SD card to internal storage
- Remove or rename old Locus folder on your SD card.
- Start Locus > Open Menu > Information > there is filed "working directory" which should be set to Internal storage
- Create some folders and points or restore data from backup. So you can see some data
- Now try to record the new track.
Let me know about result


Files sent.
Additional information I didn't mention is, that the phone and card are encrypted using phone's menu. I don't know if it changes anything, because so far I didn't notice any influence it might have on how the phone and installed apps work.
I'll move Locus to the internal storage as you suggest....

Moving process successful. Track saved. Everything seems to work.
But to be honest, I'd be grateful if you could find solution to the problem, so I can put everything back to the SD card again.
Thanks for help so far.


if track record works fine on internal storage, it really seems that your SD card is broken. I've checked your database and I can see 28 tracks in folder with name "Tracks" but Points section is empty. So would you mind to perform some additional test (before you purchase new card :-) )
1. Please try to use another SD card checking tool
2. Create log
- Move Locus folder back on SD card. and try to reproduce the issue.
- Please enable logging https://asammsoftware.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/200014832-How-to-create-debug-log  (section for android higher 4.1)
- Start recording and reproduce the issue
- Send me please the log and again the database files

I'm not familiar with data encryption on android but I guess that is made on the low level so it shouldn't influence the installed apps.  Does anybody have active the Phone Encryption?


I still somehow believe in the card, but if you say I need a new one, how can I resist... ;)
I'll do the tests and let you know about the outcome.

One thing I forgot to mention is that when I copied Locus folder to internal memory, I didn't have to revert from backup - everything (enabled tracks and points) appeared as it should be.