question to splitting sqlite

Started by ChrisMe, September 26, 2013, 12:06:36

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I've found this description for splitting big maps in sqlite format:

My question is: If I've got an map in high zoom level an split it into several parts (several small maps), will Locus maps load the respective single map if the curser is over the area?

Greetings Chris


Hello Chris,
  locus could load all smaller maps as one if you use small feature. Instead of placing all sqlite maps directly into Locus/maps directory, create one additional subdirectory, like locus/maps/myMap and place all sqlite maps here. Then these maps should work as one big map. Anyway suggestion is to keep number of these maps smaller. Locus should handle on 100% maps up to 2 GB, so there is no need to split big map into many many small maps
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