Language selection of address search

Started by ta-ka, September 01, 2013, 12:09:49

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Could you make it possible to select the language of address search result by the Locus setting rather than by android system language setting?
In most case, address in local language is more useful than navive language. But for now, to get that, you have to change the language for whole android.


The format of addressdata is not bounded to a language, but bounded to a country. You can see this if you compare addresses in USA, Australia, Great Britain, where English is the language.
Does the services (default=google) support different address fields in relation to the requested country and in the response?


Hi druki. Thanks for the reply.

> The format of addressdata is not bounded to a language, but bounded to a country. You can see this if you compare addresses in USA, Australia, Great Britain, where English is the language.

Well, it is not...  Please have a look at the picture below. It's an address search result in USA.
On the left, android system language was set to English and address in English was obtained. On the other hand, on the right, the language was set to Japanese and address in Japanese was obtained. (By the way, Street in Japanese is wrong.)

I also tried the address search at the same point with different system languages. The results are:
system language -> address search result
Korean ->  Country/Region/City/Street in Korean
Chinese -> Country/Region/City/Street in Chinese
Czech -> Country in Czech, Region/City/Street in English
German -> Country/Region/City/Street in English
Italian -> Country/Region in Italian, City/Street in English
French -> Country/Region in French, City/Street in English

> Does the services (default=google) support different address fields in relation to the requested country and in the response?

I'm afraid but I didn't get the point of the question. Could you please explain more?


Maybe Android is different for easy handling?

I know that in england, you can use a second street field.

And the order of street/apartment/level is different between US/Australia.

This CRM (I use it at work) supports different address masks (see last text block):


I think I've somehow got your point. You are saying that the address format like City/Street/2nd-Street is generally different depending on countries.

In the case of Locus, the format is statically defined to Country/Region/City/Street, isn't it?
> I know that in england, you can use a second street field.
Is this true for Locus and how does Locus know the country?

The country in Locus seems to be defined together with the system language(locale) setting.