[APP] - version 2.14.X+ (updated 3.9.2013)

Started by Menion, August 03, 2013, 09:19:20

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General information

  • using of these Beta versions, is on your own risk. Always keep your data backuped, just for sure
  • list of changes is always related to previous test version, not to last public version
  • all Test versions, works as Locus Pro on limited time, so you may use them also for testing Pro features

3.9.2013 - Locus - new Release Candidate

news list
- finally ability to navigate on all tracks (more here ...)
- another improvements in merging of tracks
- fixed some problems with KML features (screen overlay, rotation of icons)
- fixed co-apps links
- improvements in ANT+ support
- improvements in address search (handling result)
- fixed loading of IMG map files and generating of it's center
- improved rendering speed of MapsForge lib (again I know ;) )
- and many other small fixes


29.8.2013 - Locus

news list
- added Visicom online map
- improved merging system for tracks
- added ability to read base64 encoded images in KML styles
- fixed refreshing of GPS icon state
- fixed selecting of more tracks (10, 25 ...)
- fixed problem with missing waypoints after refresh of GCVote
- fixed turned off GPS when screen rotate in sat screen

26.8.2013 - Locus

news list
- ability to zoom base map/overlay/wms independent on base map (this mean when base map ends at 17 and you have vector map overlay, you will at level 18 rescale base map, but vector will still use own level 18)
- improved computing of time values during a navigation
- added export of generated final geocache when needed (to keep found flag)
- fixed problems with new GPX export (versions)
- fixed problems with shading
- fixed problems with updating a dashboard when started with app
- fixed autoloading of vector maps
- fixed switching of maps
- created caching of initialized garmin maps, for faster start
- fixed forgetting of loaded points/tracks after full backup
- and some more reported problems

20.8.2013 - Locus

WARNING: worst then BETA version <!-- s:) --> :) <!-- s:) -->

Everything around loading maps (online, personal mainly and also vector) has changed. You'll probably not see anything, but trust me, most of code has changed and there will be problems on places where all worked fine before. Anyway thanks to this, is possible to shade also ALL!!! personal maps

news list
- added ability to shade ALL maps
- final integration of new ANT+ library (needs ANT Radio Service 4.1)
- added support for ANT+ temperature
- added support for Garmin IMG files (this is just a small bonus, don't expect big support here. I'm also not sure if this will be official feature)
- added new one-finger zoom
- improved export of GPX files (choose between version instead of "Garmin compatible")
- stronger altitude filtration for tracks
- fixed problems with settings own location sources
- added ability to hide tabs in satellite/compass screen
- many small speed optimizations

8.8.2013 - Locus 2.14.1

mainly version with fixed problems ...

6.8.2013 - Locus

quick test version before bug-fix release this week. It's mainly for people that are interested in some specific fix of any bug

news list
- added turn on screen to Screen On/Off feature for guiding along track
- improvements and fixes in Satellite/Compass screen
- fixed problem with keyboard on OAuthLoginActivity
- fixed problem with pressure sensor automatic calibration
- fixed problems with auto-zoom
- attempt to integrate working solution for ANT+ based on old library and code (previous version), because it looks that new version of ANT+ lib will never be ready (planned release date was 06/2013)
- fixed problems with BT GPS handling over track record widget
- fixed crash when locus do not have enough space on SD-card

3.8.2013 - Locus 2.14.0

new version is slowly uploading to Google Play and other servers. Enjoy
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Just installed. Thank you for this.  :)

added hill shading
added contrast (low high)

How can I activate or deactivate it?
Regards J.


Quote from: "jusc"news:
added hill shading
added contrast (low high)
How can I activate or deactivate it?
settings->map advanced->advanced settings/shadng maps
settings->map advanced->advanced settings/map color mode

ah, and also in the quickswich panel
(thx for this, menion)


Quotedon't worry .. already added. I just needed to create icon
and where can i find the icon for quickswitch on/off hillshading for adding to the right panel
Locus Map 4.28.2 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Quote from: "balloni55"
Quotedon't worry .. already added. I just needed to create icon
and where can i find the icon for quickswitch on/off hillshading for adding to the right panel



tap the pencil
search for[attachment=0:3votxwkx]Screenshot_2013-08-03-13-49-07.png[/attachment:3votxwkx]


Quotetap the pencil (knowledge base is outdated)
search for
:lol:  :lol: Perfect :!:  :!:
and i also found the longklick adress search:grin:
Locus Map 4.28.2 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


merci.    :D
high contrast is very useful for the Defy
Regards J.


Hi Menion,
thanks for the new version :-)

The "added contrast (low high)" looks good, but I miss a medium contrast (if possible). The high contrast is to loud for me.
Samsung S23 Ultra Android 14
Sony Xperia 5 ii      Android 12

User ID silver 1e39d48b8



why do you not let it disabled? For my Galaxy S2 the high contrast makes no sense and it seems to be the medium contrast you look for. But maybe for other phones... it´s not.  For that I let it disabled at the S2, but for the Defy it´s a very nice feature.
Regards J.

Bucky Kid

Hello menion,
firstly thanks for new public version. it's again one small step for a man and a giant leap for Locus users  :lol:
Good thing is that Locus slowly yields the big potential of offline elevation data (hopefully interactive 3D view will follow soon)
having two questions about the shading: firstly I would appreciate option to set shading layer strength (opacity), these seem fade in higher zoom levels
secondly could generating an relief as standalone overlay work also for raster maps?
I already requested this feature on Getsatisfaction //https://getsatisfaction.com/locus/topics/separate_relief_layer
A well rendered relief could make much size saving for these maps which are already downloaded with hardcoded relief. The question is impact on battery exhaustion.
And secondly offline vector POIs: could various kinds of POIS be on/off selectable to view? (for example if I do a trip by bike or hike I don't need to see nearby gas stations etc.)
One more suggestion to POIs loaded from /mapitems: would it be possible to assign an individual icon to POIs grouped in GPX file? The size for lower zoome already improved but I'd like to have it yet a bit bigger (4" display).


Reported in 2.13.X+:
Quote from: "tommi"Guiding issues:
- I used a track in reverse direction. The info graph is displayed from original start to end from left to right, so far ok. But the marker for the current position is running also from left to right => wrong, either graph or marker need to run from right to left.
Not fixed in 2.14.0.


hmm so seems that new version do not have any really serious problems. I'm quite glad for that. Few crashes are already reported, but together with some more problems, I'll fix it to some other version within a week ...

So main discussion about low/high contrast. Nice. I'm glad you find it useful. I miss high contrast at these sunny days, so it was small "for myself" made function :). Anyway I also do not understand why tramp needs "middle contrast". Just disable it and you have middle :)

@bucky: I have 3D still in mind, but I'm still sure that it take me quite a lot of time and I still see so much other interesting (and much more useful) topic to do ...

Shading is not currently possible to use for "Personal" maps. There is a problem that personal maps are loaded faster and in really different way then vector maps or online maps and I don't have there space and time, where I should apply rendering of shading. For this, I need to do some "lazy loading" of also raster maps to have there some free CPU time to render shading. This will anyway corrupt some auto-loading etc etc. Some developers problems I have to take care, so it will take some time.

And about new offline pois ... when you enable vector map, you should see points on map a little shaded and active, do you? These points are rendered from this offline database. Which points are displayed depend just on vector theme. So if you select theme where aren't gas stations, you'll not see gas stations ...
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


It's not clear to me where I can download  the needed files for Shading in Belgium..
It's a whole new topic for me and searching doesn't give any clear results.
Any tips or links?

Like the new version, great work :-)

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk 4 Beta


current method is simple ... create a new points in place you want a shading and fill altitude for this point ;)
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Quote from: "menion"And about new offline pois ... Which points are displayed depend just on vector theme. So if you select theme where aren't gas stations, you'll not see gas stations ...
So, if the map and the poi file have the same name, so the the pois are displayed automatically, I am meant to get gas stations twice - once from the map & theme and once from the database?
Also [bug], the database poi symbols are not scaled when the vector map is scaled.
Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org