TTS voices

Started by Menion, July 07, 2013, 14:44:19

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"btw" done ... locus will export last TTS file as a sample into tts directory
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Quote from: "menion""btw" done ... locus will export last TTS file as a sample into tts directory
In all available languages?


no :) just sample english. All other languages should be available somewhere for some public editing .. i'm still not sure how to do it
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hi guys,
  I've updated first paragraph, where is description of current TTS system and how to improve it. So if you're interested in this topic, read it and ... improve it :)
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Updated TTS files a little bit. Mainly added TTS commands for 'POI alert' feature

12. 01. 2014
- from 'distances_D' removed word 'after' !!. It's needed to put this work to all "actions_A" manually. Mainly to 'action_dist', 'arrive_at_dest_dist', 'turn_u-turn_dist', 'roundabout_dist' and 'roundabout_dist_exit'
- added 'actions_A' for POI alert notification - 'poi_alert_point_X', 'poi_alert_X_points'
- added required numbers for '11' and '12'

If anything isn't clear, let me know!
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Please add text for of-track notification, please. The German word by word translation for this is horrible.
What about my idea to allow adding text for other distances than the defined ones as well?


now it's possible, so notification added to TTS text file

about distances - is this really needed? Because I still do not see any reason for this. Low distances are just disabled (below around 30m) and for longer is not important if TTS say 350 or 330 m, isn't it?
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Quote from: menion on January 13, 2014, 07:22:16
about distances - is this really needed? Because I still do not see any reason for this. Low distances are just disabled (below around 30m) and for longer is not important if TTS say 350 or 330 m, isn't it?
I'm more interested in the range between 100 and 200m.
Anyway, seems your opinion is changing from time to time:
"About distances in tts file - you have good idea. Currently Locus expect values as are defined in en.tts. But you're right, I should allow to add there values you want. Good point, I'll look at it. Anyway till then, Locus take only values that are defined in en.tts"


yes I remember this. I have anyway changed some parameters that defined when you should hear notification, so in most cases, it should work correctly now. Anyway if you still miss some distances, I can add them into TTS files.

Currently whole system for TTS I use, is not so "free", so there needs to be defined parameters, I allowed in code of Locus. Sorry ...
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I've improved ja.tts at google drive. Please include that for next version.
Thanks in advance.


I'm always updating it to final public version, but sometimes forget to update it also to test version. Sorry ...
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Quote from: tommi on January 12, 2014, 21:14:49
Please add text for of-track notification, please. The German word by word translation for this is horrible.

Quote from: menion on January 13, 2014, 07:22:16
now it's possible, so notification added to TTS text file
I tried to adapt my de.tts based on the en.tts from 2.18.07.apk. I see you added a new line for translation "navigation_too_far_from_track". However, I still hear the word-by-word translation and not the new text.

Here a snippet from my Locus/data/tts/de.tts:
      "navigation_start_foot": "die navigation wird im  fussgängermodus gestartet",
      "navigation_too_far_from_track": "Track liegt %D Richtung %N1 Uhr",
      "tts_set": "die sprachausgabe wurde aktiviert",

Did I do someting wrong?


Hello tommi,

Have you modified "version":1, to "version":2, in de.tts file?

Thanks :)


Quote from: ta-ka on January 19, 2014, 15:15:14
Hello tommi,

Have you modified "version":1, to "version":2, in de.tts file?
Thank you ta-ka, that helped.


yes I had to add this "versions" parameter. Because I need to separate what texts TTS file contain. I decided to always do internal version of texts based on common translation and also these TTS files. If I find TTS file in users language and in version that contain required feature, i'll use this file, otherwise internal translation will be used.

So to be more specific. If user enable TTS for POI alert and has set Japan as langauge, I first check for ja.tts file, then if this file is in version 2. If any of this is not success, I'll use texts generated from translation from crowdin. Simple and I'm sure it will work.

I also spend quite a lot of time on making whole TTS indepenent on navigation, so I think, we should now extend TTS to other tasks in Locus if there will be need ...
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