[APP] - version 2.13.X+ (updated 1.8.2013)

Started by Menion, June 27, 2013, 19:50:00

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hehe, yes I had. After two years finally with backpack, hiking over Moravskoslezske Beskydy. And I'm completely dead :)

Anyway ... better to download HGT files, is long-click on any place, tap on address, tap on first icon (add point) and in second tab, just fill elevation. Downloading HGT isn't in any beta version. It was just created for single purpose - filling altitude. But now, there is more usage for these HGT files, so I'll improve this system. I've got it already in mind and I'm sure, you'll like it.

Labeling of vector maps - if there will be no filtering of labels, whole map will be completely covered with texts. So in mapsForge is some mechanism that choose which labels display and which not. I've already rewrote most of this library, but this section is still small mystery for me ...
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Proper labeling is in active research. I recently read a blog entry on the website of University Heidelberg: http://k1z.blog.uni-heidelberg.de/2013/ ... based-map/

May be it is possible to join forces?


- added support to choose content around guiding line

Ahm, this is what I got:
Settings: https://www.dropbox.com/sc/cf7xkgss7p4jnb6/vAlXkr7RpX
Map screen with guiding line: https://www.dropbox.com/sc/j1qqbk9ti48ps28/qheS-DhAuC
I expected one value above and the other below the line. But I got two times distance and no gradient

Bucky Kid

Hi, these are issues I have observed with current version. Could they be fixed in next public release?
- it seems some kinds of maps are not offered in the quick map switcher even when they're covering cursor location (specifically SHOCart raster map at zoom level 15, SQLite OruxMaps format)
- it seems the auto loading vector map doesnot switch properly when coming from lower to higher layers (usually world -> local V3 map)
- POIs imported from mapitems are shown fine for zoom levels 13 and above. But for zooms <=12, the icons size is too small. Could the icons size be normalized to same size regardless on zoom level? (Grouping in effect if too dense). Also could custom icon and size be set for individual GPX files in /mapitems?


Two insignificant points witch existed for some time
1. usual i use the official Proversion with my "right panel config".
While updating to a new official Proversion, or installing a new Testversion(free/pro) the setting of my right panel in the proversion is changed and i have to configure it oncemore.
2. while starting the testversion the "satinfobutton" cover the infotext
Locus Map 4.28.2 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Quote from: "tramp20"
Quote from: "menion"Hi tramps, I'm comparing month old code and except yesterday change with some notifications, there is absolutely no change that should affect GPS handling. Another mystery?

Did you perhaps use other Android functions or procedures to get GPS data or do you delete a cache or other data in the test versions?
I will surely be desperated when the new market version will be released :-(

Hi menion,
since the test versions behave again exact (GPS) as the market version.
It is really a mystery as I definitively did not change anything (like ROM).
Samsung S23 Ultra Android 14
Sony Xperia 5 ii      Android 12

User ID silver 1e39d48b8


@tommi: missing gradient is probably because both values do not have altitude value. Currently, you need altitude at your location and also at target point.

@Bucky kid: did you tested missing maps with latest test version or with version 2.13.1 from Google Play? Also visibility of small points at 12 and lower zoom levels is also improved, so they should be visible quite well now.

  1) weird. both version should share same settings. Anyway I improved this little bit, so if in current version is this problem, I'm sure in next won't be.
  2) I think this is not a problem. Public version do not have notification about time limit etc..

@tramp20: hmm, few posts above, jusc wrote also about some problems with GPS. I'm quite confused, because I searched all changes in code around GPS handling, and there is really no change. Weird ...
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Quote from: "menion"@tommi: missing gradient is probably because both values do not have altitude value. Currently, you need altitude at your location and also at target point.
Can't confirm, sorry. See the dynamic altitude in the screenshot w/o internet connection. So there should be altitude available and as it is only few 100m from my home I'm sure altitude is available for both location and target.


currently you have to have altitude at waypoint and also at your location

on screenshot, waypoint has filled location and also GPS is turned on, so my current position has valid location. There is not used offline altitude computation ...

@ta-ka: thanks for very looong list ... some of problems was already fixed right? Anyway I added my comments to same file here
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Quote from: "menion"currently you have to have altitude at waypoint and also at your location

on screenshot, waypoint has filled location and also GPS is turned on, so my current position has valid location. There is not used offline altitude computation ...
Ah, I understand. But this would be really useful for tour preparations. In the same way I can measure distances I'd like to measure altitude differences from a way point to the center cross.


Quote from: "menion"I added my comments to same file here
Thank you for the comments. I support your solution.
Quotesome of problems was already fixed right?
Unfortunately not yet.

When I saw the hidden texts got appeared at crowdin on 24th July, I was preparing the 'list_of_texts.txt' for the first priority. So I didn't input translations. After that, when I accessed crowdin again to fix the translation, the texts got disappeared and not shown even now. So I lost the chance to input translations.


@tommi: understand ;)

@ta-ka: should be fixed now (crowdin)

and test version ready to test ;)
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Quote from: "menion"@tommi: understand ;)
fine :)


Hi menion
the settings "shading" are confusing V
1. opening "map advanced" status of shading (Deaktiviert) german, discription english
2. next window  i choos "An" and close window with "x" or return button of the device, status of shading is allways (Deaktiviert) german,    discription german
3. i close this window and open again "map advanced" i see status of shading (Aktiviert) german, discription english

The headline is allways english, german "Kartenschattierung"  or "Schummerung" or somthing else

by the way, the german translation is wrong, it say "different posibilities to switch the screen on and off"
suggestion: Möglichkeit zum (de)aktivieren der Kartenschattierung wenn Höhendaten vorhanden sind
Locus Map 4.28.2 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


ah sorry. I copy part of this settings dialog from other settings and this is a result. Thank you problem fixed ...

@tommi: hope it works fine
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