I want only one map when Locus starts ??

Started by silber1, June 24, 2013, 23:42:32

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I have a lot of maps (vector,own,wmn) on my S3 mini.
When I start Locus, all maps seem to load into memory.
But I only want to have only one map loaded, because if I am in Poland, I only want to Poland map and not many other German maps.
I think it is a waste of memory and time.
How can I manage to have only a certain map loaded? Or is it of no importance, if all the maps are loaded into Locus at start?


Fact that you see loading list of all your maps has two reasons:
1. locus at start check all available maps and if there are any new, it means that locus scans all of them to get valid information about all maps (new and also old)
2. you should see this scan only once. If you see it everytime, there is probably any map that cannot be initialized correctly, so Locus try to do it every start.

So this loading do not mean, that all maps are loaded into memory, it mean just that locus index them for later use. Anyway suggest to check which map is on card and isn't in the list, because it probably cause this
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>>Anyway suggest to check which map is on card and isn't in the list, because it probably cause this<<
Every time I start Locus, it does this check. How can I find out, which map isn't in the list?
Loading runs quickly over the display, here I cann't find it out?

But knowing, that this is not a loading in the memory, is sufficient, I need not to worry.


If there is any problem with any map, Locus usually report this in a small dialog. But not everytime. There are probably still some problems that do not appear in some error dialog. "How can I find out, which map isn't in the list?" - you have so much maps? Currently only way is to check files on card and items in list ...

Yes, you do not need to worry. It just take time during a start, so it's good to remove this behaviour.

Are you able to create a log file? Don't know if you already do this. If you have rooted device, it's very simple with CatLog program. This should help because in log should be valuable information which map is wrong
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No, my S3mini is not rooted. If it is only testing all maps and doesn't spoil time and memory it is ok. But if it could be deactivated it is better.
My thanks for implementing the double click for the right side buttons row!!