[APP] - version 2.11.X+

Started by Menion, April 28, 2013, 09:30:20

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23.5.2013 - Locus - Test version - RELEASE CANDIDATE v.3

- small graphics improvements
- fixed scaling of simplified point dots on map at lowet zooms
- fixed rare crash during update a geocaches
- fixed crashes at "information screen" and "log a cache" screen
- some small optimizations

21.5.2013 - Locus - Test version - RELEASE CANDIDATE v.1

- added pack (99) of Garmin icons that match Garmin <style> tags in GPX files
- added support for Google Directions, just for personal testing purposes (enable in config.cfg)
- added ability to encode/decode geocache hint
- set default log trackable type to "discover"
- fixed problems with definition of huge maps for download
- fixed many problems with crashes in new Tabs system
- fixed incorrectly computed (and displayed) lines between long-range points
- fixed rare problems with loading geotagged photos
- fixed problems with waypoints lines to parent geocache when POI grouping is enabled
- fixed rare problem with address search

20.5.2013 - Locus - Test version

- this is testing version for a brave testers. I expect that there should be some problems mainly on pages with tabs. I completely changed tabs system. It looks almost same, but code is more elegant and hope that much more bug-resistant. Anyway this is version mainly to debug some problems with specific users ...

17.5.2013 - Locus - Test version

As in previous version, if you'll have time, please test
- new sliding tabs in "GetLocation screen" and "Navigate to" screen - what you think? Useful, waste, needs improvements?
- Geocaching Live in Locus - all communication was rewrote, so just use this version on Geocaching and let me know if there will be any problem with it (mainly with communication with Geocaching Live)

- new menu for "Navigation"
- improved system for rendering points (mainly geocaches) in lower zooms (values are fully configurable in config file)
- complete rewrite of all Geocaching Live communication with server. Need perfect testing!!!
- improved "Draw line" (renamed to "Line tools") function (add measuring and intersection - currently only on Sphere, not an ellipsiod)
- all waypoints has now two times - "created" and "last updated"
- computed navigation tracks has now automatically filled altitudes (if srtm data are available)
- changed way how locus keep screen on (removed wake-lock and used more battery friendly method)
- improved "save part of track" function
- fixed problem with remembering track style after creating new folder
- fixed problems with drawing GC Votes on map
- fixed problem with transparency of vector maps as overlay
- fixed problem with logging trackables

13.5.2013 - Locus - Test version

I'll be glad for some reactions on new sliding tabs in "GetLocation screen" and "Navigate to" screen where is now ability to pickup last used locations/tracks

- improved system for setting coordinate system
- added ability to use custom coordinate systems defined by EPSG
- many small improvements in Live Tracking (thanks gynta)
- improved listing screen in geoaching screen and enabled swipe in GC screen for testing purpose
- created ability to use "last used" location in GetLocation screen
- improved coloring of tracks on map
- added ability to sort items in pickup-list (more items selected on map at once)

7.5.2013 - Locus - Test version

- TTS is now also in Free version!! (so all can now use navigation along tracks or just voice navigation with TTS)
- new system for TTS engine (new "config" screen - display when needed or in settings > global)
- improved design for "navigate to" feature
- ability to reuse already create routes for navigation
- added OSRM navigation source
- various fixed in Live tracking service
- fixed problem with older database conversion
- fixed problems with DateTime picker & timezones
- fixed notification settings for BT GPS
- alpha value (color) now apply also on track colored by speed/altitude etc
- should be fixed some weird vector map rendering
- fixed problems with sun position
- uff any many more ... everybody who had problems, know ...

1.5.2013 - Locus 2.11.1

new version is available

28.4.2013 - Locus 2.11.0

new version is available. Enjoy
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Hi Menion,
it's hard to find the altitude manager in the docu as it isn't linked from the pages "GPS and location" and "Sensors". Also new screen shots missing on these pages.


Hi menion,
thanks for the new version  :)
During each start of locus this window appears
i know it is an "old" map, but i need these map for WhereYouGo........... ;)
Locus Map 4.28.2 Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


tommi: I plan to remove links from various places from settings to altitude manager, but till then I'll improve manual tomorow. Anyway you may find "Altitude manager" in list of functions at bottom

balloni: sorry, it's not an intent, it's issue in new version. I'll fix it soon
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


..that does not work again.


Quote from: "menion"tommi: I plan to remove links from various places from settings to altitude manager, but till then I'll improve manual tomorow. Anyway you may find "Altitude manager" in list of functions at bottom
Hi Menion, my feeling regarding Altitude manager is that it's more a kind of setting than a kind of function :o


Quote from: "gynta"record_debug_logs=1
..that does not work again.

Yes, here too :-(
Samsung S23 Ultra Android 14
Sony Xperia 5 ii      Android 12

User ID silver 1e39d48b8


I miss a function, that is not in function list, but in "configure right panel". Take photo point. Maybe that I´m blind. Or is this wanted?
Regards J.


@tommi: altitude manager - isn't is similar with Ant+ manager, Bluetooth manager, Quick switch? They all are just "settings". And maybe more ... anyway I removed this manager from default visible list and it will be only visible as item into right panel. This is also answer to @jusc: yes, it's correct. There is more items that are visible only for right panel settings and not in full functions list. Same it will be with altitude manager.

stuff around a logs :) ... this works only in test versions, but you're correct it should work in same way also for release versions, so "fixed"
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Hi menion,
another problem which doesn't exist (?) in earlier versions:
I always have activated center map during recording.
If I send the phone during recording to display off (lock screen) and later to on to see where I am then the map display shows always the last position where I shut the screen off. I think the display should center automatic.
So I have to tap two times on the center button left down.
Samsung S23 Ultra Android 14
Sony Xperia 5 ii      Android 12

User ID silver 1e39d48b8


I think that there is a bug in S-JTSK coordinated.
At least I believe you have exchanged X and Y.
Usually Y is displayed first and X below
I believe that
N49° 12,445 E14° 18,908
should be translated to
Y = 763 811,35
X = 1 138 912,76
and you have it reversed.

The numbers should be displayed as negative? I have never seen this before, always positive.

Also there must be some problem in the calculation itself.
Try to edit cache coordinates, switch from WGS to S-JTSK, change the value slightly
and then switch back to WGS. The cache jumps hundreds kilometer away.... :-(

Additionaly I have again hit the problem with the coordinates drop down menu.
When I edit the coordinates of the cache, then the drop down menu is displayed
too far to the upper border4 of the screen and I cannot scroll it down enough
to display all WGS formats.



@tramp are you sure? Today I around 5 hours ride over city because of change of ID card and some other tasks and tested quite a lot this feature and no problem. Do you have enabled "Hold center method" in settings? (it should work even without it)

@chrabros: issue with problem after editing fixed, thanks. About coordinate values ... check this screenshot from geoportal

[attachment=0:6lundb3t]2013-04-29 16_00_19-Prohlížení - Národní geoportál INSPIRE.png[/attachment:6lundb3t]

if I remember something from school, then negative values are really result of complicated transformations. Anyway I agree that you probably know values for example from Katastr, where Y is always small and both are positive. I'll change it to next version
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems): help.locusmap.eu
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Quote from: "menion"@tramp are you sure? Today I around 5 hours ride over city because of change of ID card and some other tasks and tested quite a lot this feature and no problem. Do you have enabled "Hold center method" in settings? (it should work even without it)
Yes I was sure. I made two short shopping tracks to test the new version and saw this behavior. I know how it should be.
I will make another test tomorrow if it does not rain.

And the exported tracks have the correct name again.
Thank you for this wonderful app.

Locus does not actualize its screen during lock screen is active.
So if I look on the display I have to wait the 5 seconds until Locus make its auto center AND if I have at this moment no GPS fix I have to wait another time.

So all is good.
Thank you.
Samsung S23 Ultra Android 14
Sony Xperia 5 ii      Android 12

User ID silver 1e39d48b8


Quote from: "menion"About coordinate values ... check this screenshot from geoportal
[attachment=0:14pai5r8]2013-04-29 16_00_19-Prohlížení - Národní geoportál INSPIRE.png[/attachment:14pai5r8]
Hmm, tak teprve ted jsem konecne zmatenej. Jak muzou v jedny aplikaci mit X a Y prohozeny
a jednou negativni a jednou pozitivni?
Predpokladam, ze negativni hodnoty jsou asi spravne jako vysledek transformace,
ale protoze na celym nasem uzemi vychazeji zaporny, tak se to znamenko asi vynechava, ne?

Tak to by se mozna v Locusu hodilo mit tlacitko na prohozeni hodnot X a Y, abych
si mohl zkusit, co z toho vlastne vypadne. ;-)



Seems like POI group does not work anymore. Please check.