Geocache symbols

Started by stebu, April 18, 2013, 08:34:32

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I need an clear icon for my solved mysteries (the red star in the corner is not so good and I do not know how to get it).
I noticed that Locus/icons_gc contains almost all of the official GC type icons. But I cannot use them from a GPX file.

The following types are OK:
"Earthcache", "Traditional Cache", "Multi-cache", "Unknown Cache", "Virtual Cache", "Letterbox Hybrid",
"Event Cache", "Webcam Cache", "Cache In Trash Out Event", "Wherigo Cache", "Mega-Event Cache"

Then I tried "GPS Adventures Exhibit", "Locationless (Reverse) Cache", "Groundspeak HQ" and even "Cache"
and the result was always the gc_type_gps.png icon.

Then the questions:
Is it possible to get the rest of the icons linked to {groundspeak:type}?
If not, can I trust that type="Cache" links to gc_type_gps.png


Hello Stebu,
  I'm sorry, but ... I have no idea what you're talking about :). What are icons "Locus/icons_gc"? Where they come from ... also Locus do not support own icons for geocaches. It always use own predefined icons.

  Red star in corner mean that cache has "computed" coordinates. This may be removed in action bar menu in cache screen
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In Locus APK I have found for example gc_type_ape.png, gc_type_benchmark.png, gc_type_computed.png, gc_type_disabled.png, gc_type_earth.png, gc_type_event.png, gc_type_found.png, gc_type_gc.png, gc_type_gps.png, gc_type_groundspeak.png, gc_type_loc.png, gc_type_mega.png, gc_type_multi.png, gc_type_not_found.png, gc_type_own.png, gc_type_post.png, gc_type_tradi.png, gc_type_trash.png, gc_type_uknown.png, gc_type_virtual.png, gc_type_waymark.png, gc_type_webcam.png, gc_type_where.png

When I create my own GPX file, I want to control the cache icon by the field
And the results are in my first post.


ah understand. In case, Locus do not recognize types of cache, it always use default. This should normally not happen because all existing caches are defined in Locus.

you may find code, that convert "type" to my private code here ... us-api#591 . This may helps you if you want to specify icons
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This helps a lot.



maybe also vote here may be useful for you ... ing_how_to
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I knew that already for POIs and categories :)

For those who (for any reason) want to change geocache icons, here is a list of supported types,
that can be placed in a GPX file in the field
<groundspeak:type>xxx</groundspeak:type>, replace xxx with one of the following:
    Cache In Trash Out Event;
    Event Cache;
    Groundspeak;   // Grounspeak HQ icon
    Locationless Cache;
    Maze Exhibit;
    Mega-Event Cache;
    Traditional Cache;
    Unknown Cache;
    Virtual Cache;
    Webcam Cache;
    Wherigo Cache;
All other names will produce a general Geocache icon.

The following produced also the general icon:
    GPS Adventure;
    Project APE Cache;