BRouter 0.9.1

Started by gynta, April 04, 2013, 20:34:26

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Quote from: "gynta"...What I'm doing wrong here...
Stupid mistake by me.
Missed one routing file from here:
because i don't sort the list - so I had overlooked the file  :roll:

edit the first post
and add a democlip...


Can you help me?
Don't understand this app. Readme TXT is unclear for me in one particular  moment.

I already downloaded routing data ( ca 4 gb) from here //  and the profiles from  //

Then i installed .At the end of installation  when trying to open this app i get window like this:

This is a start of my problems.

What path should i write here.( or maybe i should do  nothing) What means  ,, base dir''

Where should i copy all routing and profiles  files???  I tried few times .Once copy to brouter/profiles2  or brouter/segments2   or to locus/brouter/segments2  etc... but without succes.
I get something like this:


Do you have an external SD drive? Normally you have only to follow the proposed directory.
It's like /mnt/sdcard0 or /mnt/sdcard1.
Later you will find a directory /mnt/sdcard0/brouter with 2 subdirectories /segments2 and profiles2. Put the *. rd5 files to segments2.
Regards J.


use now a datamanager

you sholud have a brouter folder on your external sdcard.
copy your *.rd5 files to ../brouter/segments2/
copy your  *.dat files to ../brouter/profiles2/
copy lookups.dat to ../brouter/profiles2/
my external:


Quote from: "jusc"Do you have an external SD drive? Normally you have only to follow the proposed directory.
(Sory if i understand not corectly.)
I have Xperia Active with MicroSDHC 32GB put in. Locus and other apps like Oruxmaps, IPbike are  installed on this card.
Maybe i should write /sdcard instead of /mnt/sdcard ???

Quote from: "gynta"use now a datamanager
you sholud have a brouter folder on your external sdcard.
copy your *.rd5 files to ../brouter/segments2/
copy your  *.dat files to ../brouter/profiles2/
copy lookups.dat to ../brouter/profiles2/
Yes i have brouter folder on my sdcard . I copied rd5 to brouter/segments2 and lookups.dat and all *.brf files  to brouter/profiles2

But still opening Brouter i see...


I think somebody had a similar problem with Brouter installation on Xperia T
I have read  here //!topic/osm-android-bikerouting/GC8nRv8vohI

This is a quote from Arnd ( I think a Boss of Brouter)
"No coordinate Source from a maptool found" heisst, er hat die Datei favorites.gpx im osmand Verzeichnis nicht gefunden.

Dass kann sein, auch wenn OsmAnd korrekt unter dem angegebenen Basisverzeichnis installiert ist, weil OsmAnd diese Datei wohl erst anlegt, wenn zum ersten Mal ein "Favorit" (=Wegpunkt, POI, ..) angelegt wurde.

Brouter braucht einen Start- und einen Zielpubkt, um einer Route ausrechnen zu können. Dafür sucht er in der Favoriten-Datenbank von OsmMand (oder "POI"-Datenbank in Locus, "Waypoint" in Oruxmaps") nach Favoriten mit den Namen "to" und "from". Die musst Du anlegen.

Maybe should i create folder POI  in Locus ? But where?

I have already downloaded POI for Poland then imported points ( something like 400000 points) , i can see these points on maps but still have the same error.


locuscycling, you need just few points with the names "from" (this is the startpoint), "to" (the destination point) and if you need a route with intermediate destinations points with name "via1", "via2", etc.
You don't need to download any points, just define them in Locus, it works, I've tried it.
You can reuse the points easily if you use the quick points (just give them each a reasonable icon as the  names of the points are not visible in the dialog).
Did you have a look on gynta's video It is pretty explanatory.

@gynta: Where did you get all these beautiful icons from? And how did you integrate them into Locus? Would like to get them if you agree.


Thanks ,,tommi'' , thanks ,,gynta'' for your video- it works .  
I can create a route OFFLINE now-SUPER.
What is more now i can create route where it was impossibe  to do it Online .
(I know probobly in another region it will be inversaly .)

But still i have some doubts.

If i created and saved  few points ,,from''  when entering BROUTER i get error like - multipe point from '' . So i have renemed all points from to from 1,2 ..or doesn't matter what name.( this same with ,,to'' points)
Then i tap a map to create quick point give icon and write name ,,from'' and save the point ( then the same with point ,,to'') .With points ,,via'' it is easier to understand  for me.

But on ''gynta'' video 0.06 sek he didn't write nothing , just tap icon .Maybe he didn't have to write ,,from'' becouse the name is included in icon? (This same with points ,,to'')

Every time i wanted created new route ( from another place) i have to deleted last points ,,from'' and created new one. Otherwise  route will be calculated from last point -named,, from'' ( points which was saved ).

Another question-about Right Panel on Video.
I see icon ,,video'' . Is it possible in Locus ?. I know is it possible to give ,,photo'' to right panel but ,,video'' ???


Quote from: locuscyclingBut on ''gynta'' video 0.06 sek he didn't write nothing
i will create another clip soon - to explain how this works...

QuoteI see icon ,,video'' . Is it possible in Locus ?. I know is it possible to give ,,photo'' to right panel but ,,video'' ???
If your device is rooted - you can install screencast and put the app to your right panel.


here we are:

# First add the function "Quick new point" to your right panel.

# How to add some QuickPoints for brouter in Locus -> quickpoints4brouter.avi (6Mb)

# Install and add brouter to your right panel. 

# How to use brouter in Locus -> brouterdemo.avi (2,5Mb)

And if you need additional -> the little iconpack  (14Kb) (copy to ..Locus/icons/...)


Thanks, gynta - excellent !!!!
( I have already read your ''EDIT'' )

Now it is very easy .
The ,,point'' is -Name of the definition.
I didn't know this before and thought that we have to write the same ,,from'' , ''to'' ,,via'' every time we will create new route.


Quote from: "locuscycling"Thanks, gynta - excellent!
you're welcome. I'm glad if it helps you.

 I have also edited the first posting now.
 Has anyone tested the new "nogo" rule?


Quote from: "gynta"Has anyone tested the new "nogo" rule?
Yes, it seems to work.
Do you have doubts?


Demo with nogo:
# How to use brouter and the "nogo function" in Locus -> nogo.avi (3,5Mb)

updated iconpack(add nogo):
#And if you need additional -> the little iconpack  (16Kb) (copy to ..Locus/icons/...)


gynta bring BRouter in locus into almost perfect offline solution :). Suggest to show this to BRouter developer. Maybe it convince him to make it even better (more integrated into Locus).
- Official help (ideas, questions, problems):
- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
- LM 4 Beta download, LM 4 Release download


Quote from: meniongynta bring BRouter in locus into almost perfect offline solution <!-- s:) -->:)<!-- s:) -->. Suggest to show this to BRouter developer. Maybe it convince him to make it even better (more integrated into Locus).
Seems Arnd is currently following his own ideas regarding control interface, see:
BRouter - Beta Version 0.9.1 - Using the service interface

BRouter 0.9.1 contains an experimental service interface.

Technically, it's an internal HTTP-Server running on the
device serving the same protocol as an online service.

This server serves requests of the form:

<!-- m -->http://localhost:17777/brouter?format=k ... yer=mapnik<!-- m --> HTTP/1.1

and responds with a track in KML format. This protocol is similar to that
spoken between OsmAnd and YourNavigation.

Consequently, it is not required anymore to have from/to
waypoints, if not present, BRouter simply starts it's
service and does no route calculation.

The server is running within an Android service that is started
from the BRouter APP when pressing the "Server-Mode" Button as
a last step. It uses the configuration (profile + nogo-areas)
configured in the app. If the service is already running, it
keeps running and just the configuration is updated when
pressing the "Server-Mode" Button.

That way it is possible to habe fully integrated navigation
in OsmAnd with the BRouter routing as an offline service,
fully configurable via the profile selection and nogo-areas.

In this setup, all configuration within OsmAnd (motocar/bicycle/foot,
fastest/shortest, exclusions) is ignored.

This internal HTTP interface is a preliminary solution, therefore
there is nithing happening to get the necceray patch in the
OsmAnd release process (You need to patch it yourself, either
by building from source, or patching on binary level using apktool,
or tempering with /etc/hosts might also work if you have rooted
your phone).

The problem in this setup is that there's no guarantee from
the android system to keep this service alive, it might, at any
time, shut it down to reclaim the memory. So the "final" solution
for an offline routing interface will probably have to use
the android service architecture "as intended" without going
through an http-interface.

However, in my tests, it works fine, and service shutdowns
are no problem on my Android 2.3.6 phone and somewhat more
frequent on my 4.0.1.

Perfomance is o.k. for intermediamte distances (<20 km air distance),
for larger distances you will have to use the "traditional" BRouter
file interface for the first run, and then put waypoints along that
source (and original textfile: <!-- m --><!-- m --> (readme_service.txt - 2013 06 - from here

Menion, there is another project working on offline navigation <!-- m --><!-- m --> and you made a mysterious hint regarding it. Can we expect a solution from there?