[APP-DEV] - version 2.10.2+

Started by Menion, April 02, 2013, 19:20:49

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I have few problems to report.

Quick Map Switch
This problem exists for a longer time so it was there in older versions of Quick Map Switch button.
It is quite common, but not in all cases and I cannot tell how to cause this, that when I switch
from Vector map to other map (SmartMaps or online OSM), then I cannot switch back to Vector
map of the are because it does not show it at all. So in Czech Republic it offers me Saschen and Poland only.
And in Cuba it offers Iceland.
I then have to go to the main map menu and select the proper vector map from there.

Problems with compass
After last upgrade to released version, the compass started to behave erratically. When I drive
in the car the arrow switches between proper direction and north rapidly. It seems that compass
reports 0 very often. I am not sure if this is problem of Locus, but I was not changing anything
in Settings, just upgraded Locus.

Problems editing Cache coordinates
In the beta version I was trying to edit the coordinates of cache in the listing (by pencil icon).
The was different coordinates system selected and I need to enter the coordinates in the different
system, so I opened the drop down menu to change them. But the menu was opened in a strange manner
and I was not able to scroll it down to the first item in the menu, it appeared to be behind the top
of the screen and it didn't allow me to scroll it further down.
This problem is also not all the time



Quote from: "menion"sounds good, thanks tramp!

@locuscycling & tommi ... I'm going to check filtering of slope value, if there is not any place for some improvements ...

For me ,,Your Slope Algorythm'' is  almost perfect for  cycling.

Today i tried little bit more hilly course with gradients sometimes 20%. I also have on my Handlebar Sigma ROX 9.1 and something like this
 Bike Mounti Inclinometer ( this is not my Photo)

Compared slope values  in Sigma and in Locus with these in Bike Mounti Inclinometer i can say that Locus is  even better ( quicker delay) then Sigma.
Maybe when speed is 0 we saw sometimes 256 % but this is completely no problem when we do cycling.
On road we get what we want. When SLOPE is 10 % we see in Locus 9,10 or 11 %  but not 3% and this is important.


Found some time to do some systematic tests re. render speed:

Test with city theme for vector maps on Galaxy Note I N7000, maps on SD
Card (64 GB)

always emptied cache directory, App fresh start
same preference settings (import of .pref)
click next zoom level once current one is fully displayed

Map Center: Cafe Imperial, Praha, CZ in OpenAndroMap (250 MB) from

level      completed after # sec      Pro      Beta
20                                               start    start
12                                               30       25
10                                               45       40
08                                               65       60
I.e. this table shows ACCUMULATED times

"Jump" from level 20 to 10 (repeated quick zoom out clicks, not waiting for render completion)
                                                   10       10

Map Center: Frankfurt Airport, Frankfurt, Germany (full coverage, 1.5
GB) in OpenAndroMap from http://www.openandromaps.org/downloads/deutschland

level     completed after # sec      Pro      Beta
20                                              start    start
12                                              20        20
10                                              35        40
08                                              65        80

"Jump" from level 20 to 10 (repeated quick zoom out clicks)

                                                 15        15

Level change screen behavior
Beta version: new level picture exchanging tiles to target level one after another
Pro version: nearly at once

Caching effects
Beta verion: level 8, 9 and 10 switch fast after first displaying them, 11+ level is re-rendering
Pro version:  level 8 and 9  switch fast after first displaying them, 10+ level is re-rendering


So, on larger vector map for Germany, the old version is faster than the
beta one.

Caching does help a lot, and once the min/max levels for caching are
configurable, local activities will be fast, which will be nice indeed.

But you see that processing times for level 12 and below are really nasty !
Switching to a predefined SQLite map is absolutely key if you roam
around the world or a country on larger scales - Locus is not a
geochaing only app, right ;-) ?

If Menion is not eager to do this automatically (i.e. switch to other source when crossing configured level threshold, then a one click button
that SWAPS between the current map selection and zoom level (could be vector, another SQLite or online regardless) and a configurable SQLite
DB (and back - stay at the coordinates as is when swapping back) would be an eays way to implement. Trivial in fact.


@chrabros: thank you for valuable comments. I'll ask you for some additional information. Quick map switch prepare maps based on current map center. So in your case, you have to be a close to some border right? Unfortunately in current vector map format is no information about some exact bounding area, to depect which map is located at which place. But I may confirm, that there is need for some improvements!

compass: did you just tried to calibrate it? Wave with device in air a while

editing coordinates: I was just updating this screen last two days, so you may test new test version, where this is already improved

@locuscycling: sounds good, thanks. And btw. "inclinometer" is really crazy :)

@michael: seems you spend quite a lot of time with testing :). Anyway I'm really surprised that you have slower rendering with new version that with old. It's almost impossible on your device. Main change is that locus now render maps in more then once core. It's not that on 4 core device are rendered 4 tiles at once, but partially yes. On my Galaxy Note 2 is gain with latest version around 20%, on SGS2 it's around 15%. There are some mechanisms in MapsForge library that limit another improvements, so I'm worried, we're in the end with speed.

Discussion on topic "Caching of vector maps" was already on GetSatiscation. There were no result because everyone say something different. Locus has also problems with caching because some maps are loaded just when they're needed. So Locus firstly render tiles and then discover that some map may fill some hole, so it render tiles again. Anyway these are problems on my side so I'll not bother you with this. Anyway caching of vector maps is really on separate topic, anyway I'm personally not a big fan of this.

ah I almost forget - new version in first post ;)
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Quote from: "menion"@tramp20: weird ... should you next time after you kill Locus with task killer, create a log?

Hi menion,
today I had the third FC of Locus map free/pro (actual after 2.5 hours of recording.
I had no look on my smartphone during the whole time (almost 5 hours).
Locus again was complete dead with a white screen instead the map, GPS and recording icons were visible. Only with a task killer I could stop Locus.
This time I started catlog before killing (2 hours later after the FC), perhaps you can see something.
These FCs started with all versions > 2.10.2.
It would be better when you continuously (or every x seconds) write the internal logfile to logs so we can see something even if Locus crashes.

I attach the catlog and your logfile right after the new start after killing.

For the next tours I will use Locus 2.10.2 again :-(
Samsung S23 Ultra Android 14
Sony Xperia 5 ii      Android 12

User ID silver 1e39d48b8


Ver click on any POI, Basic info shows " Missing item in UtilFormats", seems like an error??


tramp, there is not much information in your logs. In data from catlog seems to be quite a lot of errors from different applications, but probably nothing serious. And absolutely no error from Locus. There are some notification from some memory monitor ... didn't you started to use some "task killer" that remove unused applications? Isn't there chance, that it also remove part of Locus (track recording)?. I would like to release a new version probably in friday, but with such problem I can't.

Locus logging isn't much useful, because when app crash totally, it's not stored there. Some external application like CatLog is much better for this. Mainly in case, you set there recording and storing on card as fast as possible. Damn ... anyone similar problems?

tuancse: thanks for report. I just found it too ... fixed
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Thank you for answering.
I do not use an automatic task killer, only Greenify from XDA for Kaiten, Tapatalk. Do you rely on Maps? I made it to an user app to greenify it.
Tomorrow I will make another tour over 4 hours but with the 2.10.2.
I will report immediately.
If I am the only one with these FC then please do not stop the next version for the market.
I will save actual version :-)

Gesendet von meinem LG-P970 mit Tapatalk 2
Samsung S23 Ultra Android 14
Sony Xperia 5 ii      Android 12

User ID silver 1e39d48b8


hmm "Greenify" - author write - "Greenify help you identify and put the bad behaving apps into hibernation when you are not using them" ...

suggest to check 2.10.2 version together with Greenify to verify that this program have no hands in Locus crashes. I'm worried it should have influence.
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Quote from: "menion"hmm "Greenify" - author write - "Greenify help you identify and put the bad behaving apps into hibernation when you are not using them" ...

Greenify does hibernate only apps that I select explicit (as Kaiten or Tapatalk) so I think no problem for us.

Just coming home from my 5 hours tour with Locus 2.10.2: absolute no problem. I looked many times on the display to see if Locus is still alive, made some calls etc.

The first crash was 17.04.2013 with Locus (?)
the second was       18.04.2013 with Locus
then bad weather :-(
the last crash was   24.04.2013 with Locus

I do not have saved the older test versions so I do not know the exact version but I always installed them right after publishing from you here.

I have good tracks made on 17.,15., 13., 09.04.2013 until January.

I always use raster maps (OutdoorActive).
Samsung S23 Ultra Android 14
Sony Xperia 5 ii      Android 12

User ID silver 1e39d48b8


Hi menion,
if you have an idea (and a testversion of course until tomorrow morning 6:00) then you can me persuade to a new tour :-)
Samsung S23 Ultra Android 14
Sony Xperia 5 ii      Android 12

User ID silver 1e39d48b8


you'll be very kind! In first post is new test version. It do not print any special debug messages because I don't know where to start anyway if you use any log recorded, please enable it at start and let it record for a whole time.

Hmm and one more note ... I also had once such "freeze". It helped to just rotate a screen, so please try it next time, maybe this will be also your problem as well
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Quote from: "menion"Version - 25. 4. 2013
this is currently release candidate. If there will be no problems, this version will go out to wild world for next month ...

- added automatic pressure calibration using SRTM data if available
This doesn't seem to work (compare "dynamic altitude" and "dashboard altitude": https://www.dropbox.com/s/kcyu06sjhzets ... .27.52.png
Setting in Altitude manager is PRESSURE: Automatic

Sometimes after start and sync of GPS it also says in GPS screen: Altitude unknown ???


Quote from: "menion"you'll be very kind! In first post is new test version. It do not print any special debug messages because I don't know where to start anyway if you use any log recorded, please enable it at start and let it record for a whole time.

Hmm and one more note ... I also had once such "freeze". It helped to just rotate a screen, so please try it next time, maybe this will be also your problem as well

I will try the new version tomorrow.
Do you really mean catalog should run over 3 hours parallel?

And I can exclude rotating as my phone is always vertical in my backpack.

Gesendet von meinem LG-P970 mit Tapatalk 2
Samsung S23 Ultra Android 14
Sony Xperia 5 ii      Android 12

User ID silver 1e39d48b8


tommi thanks ... there is really one small problem I found now by accident

tramp, if you don't have problem with catlog, then let it run. About rotation, I mean when you find locus stuck, just try enable rotation and rotate map screen once if this helps or not
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