Geocaching issues

Started by jctmarques, March 08, 2011, 12:37:39

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maybe this should go to the wish list, but I think is something that still makes me don't use Locus for offline Geocaching always:

I made a stress test importing 9300 points (I was really amazed with the speed: took less than one hour) to one category and all operations that involve activity on those points are terrible slow. (showing on map, showing on list, inverting selection, ordering, etc). My suggestion to improve is to automatically  create categories with th country/state fields. When I need to show those points on map I should select only the category I want. I know this is too Geocaching dependant....but it's one of the main utilities for me.

Besides the problem with points with same name remains: How does the system handles overwrite? When it ask if I want to overwrite  and I say yes, I lose the old and when I say no, it doesn't import the new. Is that correct? I can't have both in system?



Hi Joao,
  hmm, when I sumarize this - 9300 points on your phone. You can expect that operations will be slow. Is there any possibility to separate these points into two, three files before import? You're using any desktop software to handle this pack of points right?

  about overwriting. When you say yes, Locus delete old one and import new. When you say no, old point remain in database. Which data you want to remain? This will be anyway little harder to create, so let's discuss about it a little ...
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I wasn't using any desktop software. I was only importing directly downloaded from pocket query. I'll try to use GSAK to split into districts and then import the files into Locus. If Locus do this automatically would be wonderful.

About overwriting... there are a lot of different geocaches with same name, so I would want both.


Let me move this issue up on the list:

Are there any news regarding the possibility of having two geocaches with the same name in same category?
There are a lot of situations here in Portugal with that.



Still not but I was thinking about it. How should this solve during import. When I'll test identical points by name and coordinates, coordinate can change also. I'm still not sure how to do this. I also cannot test this by GC code because this code is stored deeper in database and this will be very slow to test it. So what you think?

Test and show points as identical when have same name and distance is up to 1km for example? Or give there any possibility as "Add to database anyway"? But then you'll have to choose manually which rewrite and which add ... what you think?
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Quote from: "menion"Still not but I was thinking about it. How should this solve during import. When I'll test identical points by name and coordinates, coordinate can change also. I'm still not sure how to do this. I also cannot test this by GC code because this code is stored deeper in database and this will be very slow to test it. So what you think?

In which database? If Locus then  why can't you concatenate the GC code with the name. In Locus the POI would be named 'GCxxxxx - Name'. Would that make the tests quicker?

Quote from: "menion"Test and show points as identical when have same name and distance is up to 1km for example? Or give there any possibility as "Add to database anyway"? But then you'll have to choose manually which rewrite and which add ... what you think?

Final coordinates of any Geocache (the place where the physical container is) can't move much (at most 200 meters), but multi caches or unknown caches can move up to 3km. I don't think there are geocaches with the same name in a 5 km radius, but I will confirm that later.
I think it's a good idea to allow duplicates if they are over 5km, and don't allow if they are nearer than that.


ufff, check testing version and let me know ...
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Quote from: "jctmarques"... concentrate the GC code with the name. In Locus the POI would be named 'GCxxxxx - Name' ..
that's my thinking, too: geocaching-points are identical if they have the same GCxxxxx-code. No need to compare any further data, like coordinates or names, the waypoint-code is the proper unique identifier.


I wrote "I also cannot test this by GC code because this code is stored deeper in database " ...

nevermind, I rewrote database a little and now this should work ...
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