[Theme] Voluntary

Started by john_percy, March 04, 2013, 18:22:01

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Viajero Perdido

A beautiful theme, thank you very much!  (Voluntary UK, in Locus Pro, Andromaps)

I think I've found an obscure bug, but also a workaround.  I'm seeing lakes, wetlands, meadows, etc. being drawn with a dashed border, which is unattractive and apparently not intended.  These are inner members of a wood multipolygon, the outer way of which (307333650) is also the outer way of a nature_reserve multipolygon.  (I think this is legal.)

When I commented out the two "line" elements in the XML file, the ones following the nature_reserve keyword (line 808), the problem went away.  So apparently, the boundary decoration of the nature_reserve "jumped over and down" to the interior holes of its cousin, the wood multipolygon.  Strange but apparently true.

I've noticed this behavior in some of the other themes too.  Anyway, I have a workaround, so I'm quite happy.


The Ministik Lake nature reserve is so vast I find it difficult to see what is happening on the screen but as far as I can see, those excluded areas are not recognised as tagged leisure=nature reserve. They are excluded in the standard osmarender theme as well. Although there is no border to show this so clearly in that theme, the marshes do not show a nature reserve overlay. Whether that is a bug in the mapping or an error in the tagging, I don't know.
Can anyone with greater understanding help?
Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org

Viajero Perdido

To clarify, those wetlands etc. are being treated as holes in the nature_reserve (wrong), as evidenced by their being drawn with a nature_reserve dashed border and without the ducky nature_reserve fill pattern.  This is in addition to the wetlands etc. also being treated as holes in the wood (correct).  I say wrong/correct because they're only marked as inners of the wood multipolygon, not of  the nature_reserve, though both share the same outer way.

I'm not familiar with osmarender, but the rendering seems correct on all the slippy renderers I have tried (Mapnik, OCM, MapQuest, Humanitarian, ...), and JOSM had no complaints when validating.  So I *think* it's a legal construct.  (EDIT: On closer inspection, it seems OCM and Humanitarian get it "wrong", but it's extremely hard to notice, 1-pixel borders.  Mapnik does it "right", because wrong would be very noticeable.)  Maybe I should just duplicate the outer way...

Anyway, thanks for the quick response.  I doubt it's a theme bug; I simply mentioned it here for lack of knowing where to direct a bug report, and in any case, it's probably a minor one.  Cheers.


It appears to be an issue connected with OpenAndroMaps as the downloadable Mapsforge version does not show the same artefacts -- see http://download.mapsforge.org/maps/north-america/canada/alberta.map
There are other issues on the Ministik sanctuary using the OpenAndroMaps version, most notably the wood is not rendered in the rectangular "holes" in the sanctuary. Apart from that, the OpenAndroMaps map is far better IMHO.
I've referred this to Christian, the originator of OpenAndroMaps at http://www.openandromaps.org/en/oam-forums/topic/polygon-interaction/#post-4769
Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org

Viajero Perdido

Awesome, thanks for digging into this and sending it in the right direction

Sorry for the detour from the topic, which is the Voluntary UK theme.  Did I mention it rocks?

Andrew Heard

Thanks john_percy for the new Velocity theme. Its brilliant as a cycling theme. Nice bold colors, simple shapes, more visible contours. Will probably become my default theme now I think. GOLD user ID:c7d47597a


Voluntary UK (and Velocity) is now available for direct download and installation from within Locus.
See Menu > Store > By usage > Graphic > Themes - Vector maps >
Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


Minor revision available in the first post to address the issue reported at http://forum.locusmap.eu/index.php?topic=4653
Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


Revised version in the first post and available in Locus Store (free).
I've revised rendering of tracks and unsurfaced roads for consistency and clarity; revised rendering of private roads and paths, and of "customer" roads for clarity; included kissing gates and turnstiles for new maps from OpenAndroMaps; reduced size of captions of monuments and memorials for consistency.
The kissing gate symbol is a visual pun: a gate with an "x" for a kiss. Extras subfolder in svg folder contains alternative symbols for the kissing gate, and also for dollar and euro areas. Just copy the chosen symbol into the svg folder.
Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


Revised version in the first post.
Recent Changes:
Forest, wood, orchard, desert, glacier, desert, nature reserve captions now appear at varying zoom levels according to their size when using recent OAM maps
Debugged military airports, woods and forests, widened paths slightly, tweaked rendering of service roads and living streets.
Bugfix for access on footpaths in tunnels and private highways
Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


Works smooth, great work John!
I read poems and maps.
Locus Pro maniacal user.


The version I uploaded yesterday required further tweaking of sea, coastline and riverbanks, particularly in the Velocity theme. Sorry.
Revised version in the first post and available in Locus Store (free).
Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


Updated in the first post again.
Voluntary Orux is no longer needed -- use Voluntary Atlas for Oruxmaps, Atlas and Cruiser

The main changes are:
- Added Contraflow cycleway in one way street;
- Added mountain bike trails
- Reworked all symbols with slightly transparent thin border for subtly improved visibility
- Updated key
Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


Another update in the first post:
- Added cycle lanes in roads (short blue dashes on road) and cycle tracks alongside roads (longer blue dashes on road) for maps from OpenAndroMaps.
- Renamed Voluntary Atlas to Voluntary Cruiser to match change of name of application.
- First stab at resolution-independent patterns for Locus.
Voluntary and Velocity themes - https://voluntary.nichesite.org


Thank you for this update, I've been using your theme for long time since narrow paths in the woods are so well drawn on the map. Even paths that is not shown or indicated in any other themes.
Good job!