Testing Locus 0.4.0

Started by fricek, November 11, 2010, 14:22:56

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Locus version 0.4.0

Vše běhá jak má, tohle jsou opravdu jen detaily (tipy, návrhy) - třešničkny na dortu  :D

  • Selectin Larger Area of Map than your Screen = OK it works
    While selecting Area - there is a red text visible at the up (I cant read it, because it is covered by "Your position label")
  • When You cancel downloading a map, You can continue later - OK it works
    But, maybe you could call the buttnon "STOP" instead of "Cancel" (Maybe User will be afraid of clicking on button called "Cancel" if he/her is not sure if can continue with downloading later), btw. when clicked on Cancel the log writes "process stopped by Cancel"

    Maybe let it called "Cancel", but add messagebox after clicking on Cancel: "You can continue with downloading this map later" ?  ;)
  • If you have unfinished offline map (f. e. you clicked Cancel last time and now you start Locus again) and want to create new offline map, a message will appear - "You have unfinished off map, Do you want to continue?" - if you click "NO", Locus starts with deleting all downloaded uncompressed files and this takes a while - looks like it got stuck - maybe add progress bar ("Deleting files..." or "Please wait..." or something like that)

    example: I downloaded 2500 tiles of 5000, then clik Cancel and then create new map, clicking NO (dont want to continue with unfinished)
  • Trying to download large map (1GB and more from "Cykloserver? dont remember the name now") - sometimes downloading gets stuck and nothing happens. Clicking on Cancel doesnt work (you still see stucked / "paused" progress bar, as you weren't clicked on Cancel button), You have to use "Return phone button", return to showing map screen and then click Menu/Maps/Download Map - and choose you want to continue with downloading map - fortunately you dont have to download it again, it will continue from your last progress.

    So maybe this is a little problem - large amount of data - you have to check your phone if downloading is in progress, if not - go back to "show map screen" and click download map again and choose "Yes" (you want to continue with unfinished map). Maybe it causes internet connection, map server, dont know... Just check your phone now  and then.
  • Last note:
    When you click Maps/Download Map
    there is: This screen, Select Path, Select Area

    Whatabout to add this option:
    "Select by Country"
    and e. g. remember  corner coordinates for few countries (4 corners of "green" selecting rectangle) - the same as you choose Select Area and manualy select map you want to download
    With this suggested option above you'll got pre-selected area of a country and then you could change (resize) the selection manualy if you want +- few kilometers :-)


  it's amazing article full of interesting suggestions, thank you very very much :)

  seems that all are really interesting things, mainly possibility to download (or just select) whole country. I have in mind possibility to select just and non-rectangle area. Some polygon, so after that, preselected areas of some countries should be very useful.

  about other things, I have to read whole text second time and think more about it :), but almost everything seems to be reasonable things, so I'll comment it more detaily later, when I have time to do something with it ...
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so, something I recently implemented. Who shall resist to those ideas :)

 - so, red label completely removed (not needed anymore)
 - confusing name of button - you're right .. so re-writted as you can see, hopefully to more user friendly coat
 - problem with freezing after canceling not completely downloaded maps, remains ... solve later
 - problem with sometimes unsuccessful download ... also solve later
 - downloading by country ... nice idea, implemented

  enjoy ;)
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- Advanced topics, sharing of knowledges: you're here!
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Thak You !  ;)