Waypoint Projection Calculation In Meters versus Feet

Started by DougPeterson, January 19, 2013, 03:59:22

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I have my units as Imperial (ft/mi).  The projection Distance field now shows the units as feet but still appears to do the calculation in meters.  The last time I did a projection it had seemed that the only option was to calculate in meters and that was what was indicated in the field prompt.  I am hoping the change in the field prompt meant that the calculation was now going to be in whatever units had been chosen.

Thank you,

Doug Peterson


Ah found two problems. Whole system was not working for units "ft". Also with "ft/mi" exists also issue so both fixed now and will be working in next 2.8.5 version
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I should have logged in some time ago to say thank you for the quick fix.  It worked.