
Started by sneakybulldog, November 08, 2010, 22:01:26

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The "Whack-A-Lackey" cartridge does not seem to be playable with WhereYouGo.  Has anyone gotten it to work?  Yes, I downloaded it on my desktop and transferred it to my phone.

I am using a Droid X with stock 2.2.  Please let me know what other info is needed.

Many thanks.


  i'm, sorry but this problem seems to be in OpenWig core. So this error, I send to OpenWig developer, hope he do something with it :)
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Thank you very much for the quick response and for passing the error on to the OpenWig developer.  What is the best way to follow his progress with it or contact him?  Thanks again.


best is to watch progress here


  i added this issue as number 121. But he's student and currently don't have much time, but try to write him into this issue tracker if nothing happen for a longer time ...
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