Disable GPS when pausing track recording and hiding Locus

Started by auric, February 16, 2011, 23:49:49

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The track pausing feature is cool, really. I thought I wouldn't have a use case for it, but I could immediately use it the first day I downloaded the new version from the market.

When Locus is active but hidden behind another application, GPS is disabled, which is great to save battery.
When a track is recorded and Locus is hidden behind another application, GPS is kept activated, which is great as well, obviously.

However, when a track recording is paused and you hide locus, the GPS is still activated, unnecessarily draining the battery since you're not using it: recording is paused and Locus isn't active. It would be a nice improvement when GPS was deactivated when track recording is paused and Locus isn't active.

The current behaviour when NOT recording is:
- Start Locus
- Enable GPS (gps is activated)
- hit HOME button (toast message displays "gps disabled", gps is disabled.)
- long tap HOME button and select Locus again (toast message displays "gps enabled", gps is activated)

The requested behaviour when recording, but PAUSED:
- Start Locus
- Enable GPS (gps is activated)
- record track
- hit HOME button (gps is still activated)
- return to locus, pause recording
- hit HOME button (toast message displays "gps disabled", gps is disabled)
- return to locus. Now, to be consistent with the "non-recording behaviour", GPS is enabled again
- resume track recording
- hit HOME button (gps is still activated)
LM Pro - LocusMap 4 🥇


Auric, thanks for excellent description of problem! You're absolutely correct, issue is fixed, thanks!
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