Problems with sharing POI and Custom Icons

Started by DM1, May 30, 2012, 08:22:57

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Just wondering if anyone could help me out. I have some POI in GPX format I am trying to share with some friends and have edited them with some icons. The problem is when my friend opens them up the icons I have used are not present. So is there a way to export the GPX file and keep the icons I have used??



  unfortunately this is not currently possible. In non of exporting features are not exported icons as well.

  as I think, best workaround seems to be just create share whole category file from Locus/data directory. Other friends just add this file into same directory and add category with same name into list of categories. Not best I know, but should work for now.
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Thank you for the quick reply I will give it a shot.



Hello again,

I had no success with your suggested solution, I then tried making a backup of my locus data and then restoring it on another phone, it almost worked but kept crashing when I tried to import all the POI.



ah sorry, I just tested it and you're correct. Creating database with name of file that already exist ends with "failed". I just fixed this and in next version, this will work

anyway this is not best solution on what you want. I already received similar request some time ago (to import data in Locus also with icons already included in Locus) ... what should be best solution?

Do you think that just placing <sym>castle</sym> for internal files and <sym>file:icons/castle</sym>. I'm worried in such cases to break some compatibility

hmm, maybe - I'm already using <extensions> when you export navigation route. Maybe using same tag ground for symbols, just for Locus should be solution. I'll look at it tomorrow ...
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Hello again,

I seemed to have created a quick fix.

1. Import .GPX file to the new device.
2. Create a category that is the same name as from the original device. If you open the Points now they will appear as a standard icon and not the as the customised ones from the original device.
3. Copy the .sqll file associated with that category from the old device to the new device into the Data folder. It will have the same name as the category you imported the .GPX into with a .sqll extension. It should be located in the Data folder.
4. When you now open the Points in that category they should now appear as the customised icons as seen in the original device.

Hope that makes sense, thanks for your help so far.


I also forgot to mention you will obviously need the icons you want to display in the icons folder.



fine, exporting and importing together with icons should work in next version
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