Moving direction while navigating

Started by CycleKev, May 27, 2012, 23:28:03

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Hi guys,

Today I did a long distance trip with my bike and I used the the navigation feature (not guiding).
I cycled in the mountains and there are a lot of possible ways to go and unlucky as it is it happens that I took the wrong direction. Now I try to explain my problem, because I am not native English speaker it is a bit difficult for me.
I found out that with navigation the phone direction doesn't matter. Locus shows the direction of the route. If I get off the route as it happens in the mountains Locus doesn't rotate the map as I move, it keeps locked in the route direction. The only thing what happen is, that I can see my location going away from the route but the map isn't rotating. Also the line for the view direction is locked to the navigation route. At the end it was very difficult to find the correct way back to the route because the map wasn't rotating.
The next thing I found out is, if the route has a change from one side of the street to the other, the map rotates, in the direction of the navigation route. If i reach a point ie for turn right 90° the map is rotating automatically in the direction not caring about the fact, that i am still moving straight forward.
Maybe I've set something wrong in Locus and I hope someone can help me.

If you want, I try to make a video.


Hi CycleKev,
some ideas what could help you/what you could have set wrong:
1) Use Auto Recalculate ( ... navigation) if possible, this requires of course that you're phone has connection to the internet
2) Was Rotation set to Map Rotation (8. on ... ain_screen)? This should rotate the map also in guiding mode (which is active if you don't follow the navigation route anymore)
3) How did you set Invalid Distance ( ... navigation)? Locus assumes that you're on the navigation route until you are more far away from the route than this setting.

Finally a curious question: How do you make such a video?



Hi Thomas,

Thanks for your reply!

1) In the mountain there is no internet connection. I used offline maps and need to be on the route.
2) Yes, rotate map was on
3) Maybe I set this to high and so I have a question. If I set the invalid distance to 50 meters and recalculate to 100 meters, does it mean that 50 meters off route Locus is switching to guide mode and when I'm 100 meters away Locus caclulates a new route (when internet is available)?

One point is unclear to me: "If i reach a point ie for turn right 90° the map is rotating automatically in the direction not caring about the fact, that i am still moving straight forward."

I will try to make a Video later.


Hi CycleKev,
  3) yes correct!

last point is on discussion. I think it's correct behaviour of navigation software isn't it? Or should your "car icon" stay on corner and point in direction you're moving? Don't know, but this seems to be weird by me ...

also suggest to disable "recalculate" if you're out of internet connection
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now i got the time to create the video. Sorry for the bad quality and that the vid is rotated to the left  :D

I hope with the vid you can understand what i mean.

The interesting point is when I leave the route, its difficult to realize that I left the route and also after recalculation of the root it took a few seconds for me that I have to change my direction, because the map is locked to the navigation route direction.


very cute video, thank you :)

I understand what is "problem", but you have to excuse me, because I have no experience with navigation software (funny I know) so ... I assume that when you leave route a little bit, all software works in same way as locus. They keep you "on the road" till they discover you're out of road, right? And locus compute if you're or you're not on the road by value in settings. So reduce this value and locus discover sooner you're out of road

second part is about rotation, mainly if you're going in 180 degree opposite. It's same as in above part I think. When you leave "Invalid distance" value, Locus will show you your correct orientation. I think that this system is correct and working. For example in forest, where you're sure you're on correct road but accuracy is low, thanks to this you can still be navigated as on road even if GPS shows you're not ...
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sorry for my delayed response.

Ok, I know this way, that the navigation shows you the true direction and rotation. But I will try it with the invalid distance parameter lower than 30 meters.

Maybe you are able to integrate a feature, that the user can choose between navigation rotation/navigation direction and the true rotation/direction by the user so you can see moving the car icon on the screen.

And for the last, I am also interested what other users think about this topic!?  ;)

Thanks for your help!


In my opinion it's correct for a navigation system to try to "stick on the road" even if I (or the gps position) is not exactly on the road. But I would also expect that my position (the car position and the map rotation) on the map is correctly shown if the distance is larger than this "sticky distance".
I think, Locus should react like this if the distance from the correct navigation route is above the "guiding distance". For visualisation that you are not at the navigation route, you still have the colored navigation route on the map.


Just want to add that Osmand can audio navigate you through an imported track, hope you don't misunderstand this! Perhaps it's useful for implementing this kind of (also offroad) navigation in Locus.
audio navigation is the only true navigation solution for mountainbiker  :-)