using offline maps

Started by jusc, January 27, 2011, 09:20:34

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last weekend I downloaded maps from an area about 50 x 50 km to my Defy. For testing (going by train) I would like to use these maps. But it seems that I have to enable the online mode to get the tiles on the fly. Could you please explain, which settings are necessary to use the offline mode. settings/maps/offline mode/ is marked.
As I walked a little around I didn´t  notice that, maybe, because the tiles were loaded online and the area was to small for downloading more tiles on the fly.

Regards Jürgen
Regards J.


Hi Jusc,
 so, offline mode allow you to use your online maps only from cache. So you can see map tiles that you already saw or tiles that you downloaded with "SQL shared mode"!! Did you used this mode? If you use "SQL separate mode", you download map as separate file and you have then select this map is second tab "Custom maps".

  So when you have enabled offline mode, there is no need for internet connection. I already tested this and seems that this work. Please play with it a little and I believe that it should work. Simple test is to watch some places in online mode, then switch to offline and restart application (to reload maps). You should see only your cached maps and on places where is no tile, you'll see only white area without any text.

  Did this work for you? If not, I'll send you my testing version. I did some improvements on map loading, so maybe this is "fixed" now (if there is any problem) ...
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Hello menion,

thank you for your answer.
Yes I used the seperate mode and I will try your advise later this day, using with a car.
Btw. what is your advice, is it better to use shared maps?

And .. I forgot to say thank you for this nice apk. It could become my favourite.

Regards Jürgen
Regards J.


it depend what you want.

shared mode is good when you still use internet and just want to have maps on any place fast and without problem. So you "pre-cache" maps with shared mode and you should be sure, you'll have maps at this place but also be sure that when you go in area where you don't have cached tiles, you'll download them from internet ...

if you plan to have any area for a trip, then you should use separate map which is completely offline, and after use you should delete it or store on desktop computer for later use. It just depend on you ...

I'm not sure if my explanation is understandable, but I hope it bring you at least something ... :)

enjoy app
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ok, seems to be clear for the moment.

I will report it later.

Regards Jürgen
Regards J.


hmm, a bit strange in this moment.
walking around I first used a seperate mode Mapnik OSM map. Seems to be ok zooming un and out worked fine. In between I switched to an Outdooractive map (seperated mode) of the same region.
In the first 1 tile overwiev map all seems to be fine. But if I try to zoom in I got an out of range view (position on an blank field).
The Outdooractive map was the same as yesterday, as the tiles must be loaded online at least, but they must normally have been stored before while downloading.
I wonder why, because yesterday I used the same zoomed tiles of this outdoractive map in the same place here. Shouldn´t the cached tiles not be stored.?
Maybe it is a special problem with outdooractive maps?!

Switching back to Mapnik map worked without any problem.

Regards Jürgen
Regards J.


 hmm weird. If you had enough space on card, there is no possibility to not store online maps. Only some errors on background ... maybe? ... hmm .. are you sure that you looked on same zoom level? You should try this easy. Just delete all mapsOnline directory which clear whole online map cache. Then run app and watch any area. Then disable internet connection in system or enable offline mode in Locus and try to see same area. I believe that all tiles will be cached correctly!

  There is no limitation on any map provider. All should work! So ... if you find any problem that I can simulate on my phone (exact place, zoom and provider) that not work, let me know!
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The problem seeems only to exist with the 1,2 GB Outdoractive Map, smaller OSM maps 200 mb work fine.
(original Android 2.1 from Defy, but rooted)

by the way, where do the zoom levels come from. I created a mobac map where where the maximum level is 15.  I wonder that it in locus is 24?
Regards J.