[MAP Overlay] Hikebikemap Hill shade

Started by brotbuexe, May 01, 2012, 13:38:41

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http://www.hikebikemap.de have a Hill shade Overlay.
Terms of Use: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tile_usage_policy

if it does not exist, create a /sdcard/locus/mapsOnline/custom/provider.xml and insert this text:
If it already exist edit it and just insert the <provider*> ... </provider> stuff inside the <providers> ... </providers> xml tags.

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<provider id="10223" type="0" visible="true" required="false" background="-1">
<name>OSM - layers</name>
<mode>Hikebikemap Hillshade overlay</mode>
<attribution>Hillshade overlay tiles come from www.hikebikemap.de, Terms of Use: https://wiki.openstreetmap.org/wiki/Tile_usage_policy</attribution>

Now you have new maps you can use as overlays in 2.3.X (Main menu / Functions / Map overlays), you can add this function to the right toolbar for quicker use...

If you download them, you should never redownload them, because they will not change.

Edit: better name and added load balacing for the toolserver.
Edit2: fixed the missing zoomPart.


are somewhere out there the hill shades also for rest of the world ? :-(


What do you miss? I don't know what areas this hill shade don't have (data is not available for some areas because of the SRTM source).

Example USA.


yeah.. my fault... its working, but you need to fix your code first ;-)
i missed this line :

here are the results:

I think we are in a halfway to perfection ;-)


Of course. Sorry. This line somehow was gone when I added the load balancing.


Wanderreit (hill shade and Contour lines) is working, but hikebikemap isn't shown in online maps. I tried it with a new Provider.xml and put only your code in this file. But it isn't shown. If I do the same with wanderreit it works fine. Any hints for me?


Just tried the config from the first post, works fine for me.

You can select the Map as Source? Could you try it in some place like the europe alps?
Does it show something like "unknown error" or "does not exist" instead of the tiles?


I cant select it in Map as Source. As I said I have no problems with the other samples. They work fine. Only this one makes me trouble. Do I have to delete a cache or something else? Same problem with the OMS: viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1907. Only the Wanderreit: viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1881 is working for me.


Hm, don't know whats the problem. And you tried to have only this Source in the providers.xml?
Hm, can you try and change the Provider ID from 10223 to something other like 14001.
Every ID should only be used once in the providers.xml.

What I saw was, that the last version of the Map Tweak Addon uses some IDs I used in my posts. If they are still in the providers.xml and you put this just at the end, this could explain the behaviour.


Next attempt:
I renamed locus directory on sd card.
I created new directory on sd card /Locus/mapsOnline/custom and put the providers.xml file in the custom directory.
I have only this in my providers.xml
   <?xml version="1.0"?>
       <provider id="11234" type="0" visible="true" required="false" background="-1">
          <name>OSM - layers</name>
          <mode>OMS hill shade layer</mode>
          <attribution>overlay tiles come from http://openmapsurfer.uni-hd.de, Terms of Use: http://openmapsurfer.uni-hd.de/contact.html</attribution>
       <provider id="11235" type="0" visible="true" required="false" background="-1">
          <name>OSM - layers</name>
          <mode>OMS contour layer</mode>
          <attribution>overlay tiles come from http://openmapsurfer.uni-hd.de, Terms of Use: http://openmapsurfer.uni-hd.de/contact.html</attribution>
I installed Locus free
I looked in map manager/online but again no additional layers to select.
I am helpless now!


can someone else try that?


Ok, I finally found the mistake. In the first line of the code in the example is
<?xml version="1.0"?>this does not work for me. If I change the first line to
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> :D
I get all overlays. I'm no programmer, so I don't know what the difference is. But in my original providers.xml produced by map tweak the first line is with UTF-8

Hope this can help others


this overlay added to next Locus version. Tile usage policy allow to this (just for online view with ability to cache data)
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Thank you, I like the shading on maps. Together with contour lines it's great!