[MAPS] - Vector maps (with terrain contour lines)

Started by jurajs, April 22, 2012, 16:04:18

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-the source data is same for whatever zoom. therefore the image gets "broken" during the phase of rendering. (or maybe there is a possibility it's got corrupted by mapwriter plugin somehow)
-this problem was already reported to mapsforge developers (by user kech61 from oruxmaps forum). i hope they can fix it soon.

-minor issues ? i don't really care about, as its "almost"invisible.    :geek:   (you germans are too perfectionists)  :roll:  :mrgreen:



I think there is another problem, but this seems to come from Locus itsself:

You may compare it with the screens from jurajs in the first post ( scroll a bit down)  viewtopic.php?f=43&t=1839#p11684
Regards J.


@jusc: I can only guess what you mean, I think it's about the scale in the right picture where one would expect about 1.4km, right? The lower value comes from the fact that I zoomed in Locus to make the artifact better visible. But as jurajs already mentioned we Germans are perfectionists :D.


Yes, I mean the width of the scale over the whole display. Normally it's just up to 2cm. Please compare it with the pictures of the first post of this threads.

Gesendet von meinem GT-P1000 mit Tapatalk 2
Regards J.


o.k., I misunderstood you. Just tap on the scale line and ... it gets longer. If you tap the scale again it toggles back to the original length.
It's a feature not a bug.


Quote from: "jurajs"-this problem was already reported to mapsforge developers (by user kech61 from oruxmaps forum). i hope they can fix it soon.
Hopefully, Christian Kernbeis (I guess alias kech61) reported it in the Google Group for the mapsforge project on April, 19th but didn't yet get an answer.
https://groups.google.com/d/topic/mapsf ... discussion


attached the requested alps.poly


thanks sebo. i'll add it to the processing queue... and let you guys know when finished. hope you will like it ;-)


Hello Jurajs, the produced maps with contour lines are excellent. Nevertheless, I have one more suggestion for practical use in the open fields/mountains. Typical destinations that hikers are looking for on their device, such as huts, ruins, bus stops, etc. are currently shown only in "extreme" zoom levels 17 or higher. There is the possibility to create or modify the XML file of a "Theme", but this will not work because the tag-mapping file used by mapwriter for creating the map file does not allow those tags to appear.

This could be solved when the tag-mapping.xml file is being adjusted for example as below. This would make it possible to show alpine huts at level 14 and some other tags at 15:

<osm-tag key="highway" value="bus_stop" zoom-appear="15" />
<osm-tag key="amenity" value="place_of_worship" zoom-appear="15" />
<osm-tag key="amenity" value="restaurant" zoom-appear="15" />
<osm-tag key="shop" value="supermarket" zoom-appear="15" />
<osm-tag key="railway" value="halt" zoom-appear="15" />
<osm-tag key="railway" value="tram_stop" zoom-appear="15" />
<osm-tag key="tourism" value="alpine_hut" zoom-appear="14" />
<osm-tag key="historic" value="ruins" zoom-appear="15" />

Themes could then be created accordingly, or existing themes could be modified as shown below. (E.g. "[Theme] Hiking" viewtopic.php?f=40&t=1871)

The subject was already brought up at the mapsforge forum (Issue 289: Display more information on low zoom level in the mountains; http://code.google.com/p/mapsforge/issues/detail?id=289). But there was literally not much achieved, and I believe it would be good to consider these points in newly created maps and in updated maps. What do you think?

<rule e="node" k="*" v="*">
<rule e="node" k="amenity" v="bus_station" zoom-min="15">
<rule e="node" k="amenity" v="place_of_worship" zoom-min="15">
<rule e="node" k="amenity" v="restaurant" zoom-min="15">
<rule e="node" k="highway" v="bus_stop" zoom-min="15">
<rule e="node" k="historic" v="*">
<rule e="node" k="*" v="*" zoom-min="15">
<rule e="node" k="railway" v="halt|tram_stop" zoom-min="15">
<rule e="node" k="shop" v="supermarket|organic" zoom-min="15">
<rule e="node" k="tourism" v="alpine_hut" zoom-min="14">


hi gura

thanks for hint. i was planning to do some changes like that, but i was lazy ;-) finally all the elements listed below were changed in tag-mapping.xml. all further maps will be created wit this new ruleset. i will adjust hiking theme accordingly and you can do similar change also to themes that you are using too.

<osm-tag key="highway" value="bus_stop" zoom-appear="15" />
<osm-tag key="amenity" value="cafe" zoom-appear="16" />
<osm-tag key="amenity" value="drinking_water" zoom-appear="15" />
<osm-tag key="amenity" value="fast_food" zoom-appear="16" />
<osm-tag key="amenity" value="parking" zoom-appear="16" />
<osm-tag key="amenity" value="pharmacy" zoom-appear="16" />
<osm-tag key="amenity" value="place_of_worship" zoom-appear="15" />
<osm-tag key="amenity" value="pub" zoom-appear="16" />
<osm-tag key="amenity" value="restaurant" zoom-appear="15" />
<osm-tag key="shop" value="supermarket" zoom-appear="15" />
<osm-tag key="railway" value="halt" zoom-appear="15" />
<osm-tag key="railway" value="tram_stop" zoom-appear="15" />
<osm-tag key="tourism" value="alpine_hut" zoom-appear="14" />
<osm-tag key="tourism" value="attraction" zoom-appear="16" />
<osm-tag key="tourism" value="hostel" zoom-appear="15" />
<osm-tag key="tourism" value="hotel" zoom-appear="15" />
<osm-tag key="tourism" value="information" zoom-appear="15" />
<osm-tag key="tourism" value="museum" zoom-appear="16" />
<osm-tag key="tourism" value="viewpoint" zoom-appear="15" />
<osm-tag key="historic" value="memorial" zoom-appear="16" />
<osm-tag key="historic" value="monument" zoom-appear="16" />


Hi jurajs,

I think, I have found the reason for the rendering defects in zoom level 12 and 13. These defects appear at the tile borders. They are caused by closed polygons, which go beyond a tile border. Obviously In this case the mapwriter plugin cuts the lap parts of the polygon and draws a stroke line along the tile border in order to close the open ends of the polygon. If the rendering theme defines a stroke line for the polygon (which is the case for contour lines), then sometimes you will see this additional "shortcut" line. Furthermore you will see parts of the pathText on this line.
At least for the contour lines there is a work-around for the problem. You can tell the mapwriter pluging to treat the contour lines as polygon lines (not as closed polygons). You can do this by changing the tag-mapping.xml like this:
   <osm-tag key="contour_ext" value="elevation_minor" zoom-appear="12" force-polygon-line="true" />
    <osm-tag key="contour_ext" value="elevation_medium" zoom-appear="12" force-polygon-line="true" />
    <osm-tag key="contour_ext" value="elevation_major" zoom-appear="12" force-polygon-line="true" />


seems interesting... let me test that first.


That bloody osmosis is still "building"the map... I can't wait anymore to finally test it ;-)
but ....
I am in doubt if this is going to solve that issue ... (still hoping)
       <attribute name="force-polygon-line" type="boolean" default="false"></attribute>
        <attribute name="equivalent-values" type="string"
                                The usage of some tags such as "oneway" is quite
                                inconsistent in the OSM dataset. Expressions such as
                                "oneway=yes", "oneway=1" or oneway="true" are
                                semantically equivalent. This attribute allows to
                                associate these equivalent values to the single
                                canonical value defined in the "value-attribute".



well... Tom... you are like an angel... suddenly comes from nowhere and helped a lot ;-)
its still not perfect, but the improvement is visible indeed !


would you mind attaching your tag-mapping.xml file. i am having problems with huge parts of the middle of iceland maps missing, and text not rendering properly. i have followed all your steps to the letter, and everything proceeds without errors. i can only think that it is my xml or something is wring with how it all runs on a mac... Am still building the british isles, so will see how that works.