[MAPS] - Vector maps (with terrain contour lines)

Started by jurajs, April 22, 2012, 16:04:18

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About this idea. Thats not bad. I had this idea about rendering hill shades on the fly in locus. But it would be a lot of work for menion I think.

For US there is 1° data available from nasa. And for some mountains you could get good hgt files too (http://www.viewfinderpanoramas.org/dem3.html). For other areas its more complicated...

for more info: viewtopic.php?t=1672


I was already looking on on-the-fly hill shading but without support of OpenGL it's really suicide ... so for now sorry

about tow or move vec maps, it's not possible. MapsForge share some resources and app immediately crash. I should hack it in some way, but ... not sure if it worth it. I'll rather generate two sets of map (with and without contours) when whole system will work as we want
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dont forget that in nasa hgt files there is a lot of invalid or null data caused by e.g. cloud reflections. you have to use some correction tool like srtmfill otherwise the result will be really terrible.


Quote from: "brotbuexe"@jusc, for now you have only one layer to overlay.
I hope menion changes that and you could put as much layers on top of each other as you like or as your device can handle. :)

You missunderstood  me :D
What I mean is, with a map without contour lines you can choose a contour line overlay (if there is any) or any other overlay, but not both.
So, if you want contour lines plus any other overlay, the only way in the moment is to take jurajs maps with the contour lines as base map.
So I wonder, why some people want a separate contour line overlay for the moment, as long there is only one overlay possible.

BTW: Overlays seem to use more accu power and CPU at least for me. Did anybody else notice it?
Regards J.


this is more then possible that overlays takes more CPU, because it's another map that have go through whole process of downloading, initailizing etc. Even if you use both as offline maps (vector/personal) there is double need for map decompression (two images on same area) so mainly combination of online map + vector map should be quite CPU intensive
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spain, italy and portugal


Quote from: "jurajs"spain, italy and portugal
Excellent job, jurajs!
Unfortunately Spain doesn't contain the Canaries. Could you rerun the build?


i rather make them as a separate map if you dont mind (shorter computing time)


Canary Islands at your service


Quote from: "jurajs"Canary Islands at your service
once again, excellent job and thank you.
Greetings from Teide peak ;-)



which system and which OS do you use for rendering? And how much time does it need p. e. for Germany?
Regards J.


at first i have to say that previously i have been using poly file with size more than 100kb. after i found out that the number of points in poly file affects speed rapidly, i created new poly file for germany manually with size around 2kb. computing times for terrain data decreased from 4 days to 8 hours. this is fine... but there is also a bad thing regarding this "new" approach. as i am using dfferent poly file created manually, the osm exports from the geofabrik/cloudmade doesn't fit in precisely anymore. so i have to include 1 more step into procedure -> see section 4.1.3 of my guide. (btw: notice that the guide is updated)

now to your question directly:
1. process terrain data = 8 hours
2. cut out map data from europe to germany only (using my polygon file) = dont know... lets say its less than 1 hour
3. merge = cca 2 hours
4. create map = hmmmm 12 hours?

EDIT: computing duration was somehow guessed wrong ;-)

system details: win7 ultimate x64; intel core i5@3ghz; 8GB memory; SSD drive ~450MB/s

p.s. i will upload fresh map of germany in 3-4 days (when i come back to speedy internet again   :roll:  )



thanx for maps with contour lines!!! Really great job.

Sebbo on this forum did a job just as well as you. He generated a map covering the area of the whole alps. You can find his map here http://gps.sebbosweb.com/. Would it be possible that you use this map and generate contour lines as well?


yes i can. just ask for .poly file and attach it to your post. i'll take it and make a map accordingly. it will take cca 1 week.


Quote from: "jurajs"Bugs:
- zoom level 12 and 13 doesn't generate well - probably a bug of mapsforge library
- elevation text is more likely displayed at zooms 16-17, but for zooms 14-15 is very rarely visible, although its defined
Hi Jurajs,
just a question.
Why do you assume that the first problem (I guess it is the problem which can be seen in the Level 12.png) is in mapsforge library?
Couldn't it be a problem in one of the steps of the generation process as well?
Did you report the problem to mapsforge project already?
Btw. I think it can be seen also up to Level 14 and still in Level 15 (but only minor artefacts).

With the second problem I would agree it is a problem of the mapsforge library