maps out of area

Started by FranzK, November 02, 2010, 08:40:17

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After downloading a map for example at the current location (OSM: google maps) it is saved in LOCUS directory as a tar file. When you call this map offline this is not shown. This is already evident in "maps out of area"
What am I doing wrong, that the cards are not shown online?
Best regards

(I use locus ver. 0.3.1.)


Hi Frank,
  sorry for this troubles ...

  please try method described in similar thread

  if this helps, please let me know.

  I'm currently working on some Locus improvements, so final release should be done during this week (I hope) ...
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Thanks for the fast reply.
But rebooting the system has no effect.....

still the program don't work with offline maps (only in the list they are stored under locus/maps/ - but not displayed)


post about rebooting was last, but not contained all informations. Read whole topic. Important part is installing "beta" version of Locus :)
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I also use the "experimental" version
0.3.1 RC1.apk

see my Post #1

I can't use the local safed data.
What can I do?


i missed you description about used version ... sorry.

so i new version is still same problem ... maps are correctly downloaded but not show on right location, right? And both selection method ("this screen", "selection") have same results?

I'm currently working on some improvements of this selection methods, so please wait for new version and then we will see if problem remains
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I hope, that in the new version this not occure.


  new version is on market and I hope that problem is solved ...
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