vector .map Germany weekly; regions daily

Started by sebbo, March 23, 2012, 10:28:52

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Quote from: "sebbo"trying to get a alps map atm.
ill convert this area:
                48.2957611     016.4828333
         48.0182389     004.9334444
         45.1718917     005.7330139
         46.6257694     016.5306583

unfortunately the Alps don't have the shape of a tetragon but look more like a L. To include the glaciers SE from Grenoble and even the Seealps the lower left corner should be at Toulon about 43.126517  005.929633.


sorry für's "Klugscheissen"  :mrgreen:

what u think?
how big is this whole ?


changed that

extraction just started


If it is too big and If I could make a wish for the next(!) update of the  8-)


extraction of the alps from the europe file just failed.
might take some more time to locate the problem as it doesnt tell me any errors.
probably there is something wrong with my .poly... :(


btw. what is your rendering version? With your Netherlands map I can´t change the theme, so I think it is version 0.2.4?
Regards J.


the one from 2012-03-30 is already 0.3 and changing theme is working with it



ok, I found an older netherlands map.
Can you please have a look at this topic viewtopic.php?f=10&t=1767?
Do you see the marshland (like in my screenshot) too with your version? Or is it like Henk described?
Regards J.


Quote from: "sebbo"extraction of the alps from the europe file just failed.
might take some more time to locate the problem as it doesnt tell me any errors.
probably there is something wrong with my .poly... :(


are the alps finished now?


not yet...

im still having different problems to solve.
suddenly "osmupdate" stopped working on 1st of April :(


Hi sebbo,

thanx for trying to create an alps map! I didn't thought the job is that complicated. I will stay tuned


so, the osmupdate problem is that there are no more diff files since 1st of April.... (kinda solved)

back to the alps: i still have the problem of creating a working .poly file for this region


what is problem with your poly file sebbo? Maybe I should help ...
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some help would be very nice...
at first i was trying to create a file by hand with just the "corner coordinates", that didnt work...
then i tried to convert the gpx file provided by gynta viewtopic.php?p=11167#p11167
that also didnt work...


hmm best way I also use is to generate osm poly file by JSOM

result is OSM xml file. To convert to required poly file, use attached perl scripts ;)

syntax is
perl afghanistan.poly > afghanistan.osm
and opposite when you want to convert from OSM to poly

JSOM also allow to load GPX file directly, so you should not have any problems with it ;)
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