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GPX Import Extensions

Started by darkm20, March 14, 2012, 14:55:43

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I just updated my airport list and imported into Locus.  I was a little frustrated with needing to skip duplicates found in the GPX file, which lead me to re-determine why that happens, which led me to install the Android App Avare (an aviation-targeted map app)...and then I remembered how quickly you added the tables for frequencies, and just how much time I've spent in Locus in general (flying, hiking, driving) and didn't want to abandon my favorite mapping app over an import issue. So I thought I should check in with a few questions:

1.  Any progress on importing other fields mainly:
     -Abbreviation, merged with name so that duplicates don't happen
     -Fuel Available

2.  You mentioned a Locus for pilots app, any progress or thoughts there (or anywhere I can look in the future to see progress about it)

3.  If no on the other two items, are there things I can to to the xml in the gpx in a pre-processing sense to create another table with additional info myself....or a way to tell Locus to use particular fields?

Thanks in advance!



Good day Eric,

long time no see! Unfortunately, Locus focused on "air" won't happen, at least not during this and next year. I've decided to focus on different tasks and for this, there is not enough time.

Anyway good news, that I'll gladly improve something to make Locus Map itself, more useful for such air tasks. So bact to your point no. 1. You require import of another GPX parameters. It is possible to load them and insert them into same table as other, already working, parameters? If so, may you please share with me any new sample file, so I may use it for testing? Thanks
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I have created pre-parser to help get more info into Locus, details follow question.  Is there anything I can add to each Waypoint to predetermine it's icon in Locus (so that airports with fuel could show up differently than those without for example)?  Is there anywhere I can find more information about your GPX import and option available so that i might see what other features could be useful.

As for the pre-parse, I tried adding a table to the description ("desc") field of each waypoint as you had previously suggested to darkm20, but I could not find a way to embed the html in such a way that it didn't break the import for those items (although I can add simple text and have it show up fine).  So for now I pre-parse the GPX file and do the following:

1. For all NON-Airports I prefix the name of the Waypoint with the navaid type (many airports have a VOR or other navaid of the same name making it difficult to choose the correct point on the map), so nav aids now show up as "VOR: BlahBlah", or "DME: BlahBlah" etc.

2. I append the abbreviation of the item to the NavAid:Name so that the name you show has the abbreviation included.  This gets rid of all duplicates for MI at least, and also makes the abbreviation available in Locus (primary way to identify airports).

3. I append a * to the abbreviation if the airport has fuel available (* is the designation on US FAA Charts for airports with Fuel).

4.  I create entries in the "Frequency" section for each runway so that when you show frequencies you also end up listing runways, lengths, and surface types.

I've attached two screenshots in-case others are interested and haven't ever imported GPX data for airports.  If anyone is interested in my pre-parser I'd be willing to share/extend it.  You could try contacting me through this thread (although I don't know how quickly I'll see it)  you can also email me at ehansen( ).

Thanks again for a great App! 



Oops, your reply came in while I was posting my update to you.  Using the existing table is fine, and exactly what I already did (at least for the runway data).  The abbreviation and fuel "*" are best in the name as I have done so they are available without viewing point details.  So I've managed to get all of the data I need for now. 

I would love it if the existing table columns could be re-ordered to Name/Freq/Type so that I could put runway names under name and surface type under type and still have runway names to the left, but maybe I'm being picky.  That and to be able to alter the icon for each point on import (or some other visual difference for points of different types).

In case you prefer to still make similar changes to Locus itself, here is an example of US airport information and following it is my pre-parsed and modified version of the same:
<wpt lat="42.774882" lon="-84.733138">
<navaid:name>ABRAMS MUNI</navaid:name>
<navaid:address>GRAND LEDGE</navaid:address>
<navaid:frequency type="MISC" frequency="118.650" name="APCH/PDEP/P"/>
<navaid:frequency type="OPS" frequency="122.700" name="OPNS"/>
<navaid:frequency type="UNIC" frequency="122.700" name="UNICOM"/>
<navaid:runway designation="09/27" length="3199" width="75" surface="ASPH-G">
<navaid:beginning lat="42.775284" lon="-84.735962">
<navaid:ending lat="42.775961" lon="-84.724082">
<navaid:runway designation="18/36" length="2559" width="120" surface="TURF-F">
<navaid:beginning lat="42.777467" lon="-84.737016">
<navaid:ending lat="42.770445" lon="-84.737052">

Modified version:

<wpt lat="42.774882" lon="-84.733138">
         <navaid:name>ABRAMS MUNI (4D0*)</navaid:name>
         <navaid:address>GRAND LEDGE</navaid:address>
            <navaid:frequency type="MISC" frequency="118.650" name="APCH/PDEP/P"/>
            <navaid:frequency type="OPS" frequency="122.700" name="OPNS"/>
            <navaid:frequency type="UNIC" frequency="122.700" name="UNICOM"/>
            <navaid:frequency type="-" frequency="RunWays" name="-"/>
                                <navaid:frequency type="09/27" frequency="3199ft" name="RW:ASPH-G"/>
                                <navaid:frequency type="18/36" frequency="2559ft" name="RW:TURF"/>
            <navaid:runway designation="09/27" length="3199" width="75" surface="ASPH-G">
               <navaid:beginning lat="42.775284" lon="-84.735962">
               <navaid:ending lat="42.775961" lon="-84.724082">
            <navaid:runway designation="18/36" length="2559" width="120" surface="TURF-F">
               <navaid:beginning lat="42.777467" lon="-84.737016">
               <navaid:ending lat="42.770445" lon="-84.737052">




to be true, I'm now little confused. Usually I prefer simple orders ... do this, do that! :).

In this case, I've added "name" to "navaid:name". Then I understand that you wants to re-order columns for frequencies and star before name in case, airport has fuel, right. Anything else?

About icons. I suggest to download some sample icon pack from Locus Store. This pack will be stored in Locus/icons directory. Then try to create a new waypoint, attach icon from downloaded pack and export this point to GPX file. In file you will exactly see, how Locus handle external (own, custom) icons. This should help to quite simply define and use own icons.

I can of course improve something directly in Locus, but because I have "no idea" what I'm doing, I prefer simple and clear descriptions, better also confirmed from more users, to be sure, I do not some private Locus version for one user. Thanks for understanding.
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Sorry for being silent here, you are on the right track with what you posted last...but I'll clarify better as soon as I can.
As of right now I'm pre-parsing the file and getting all of the results I need.  So, in order to be as certain as possible that I'm not asking you to create a solution just for myself, I've been talking with the two other pilots that I've gotten hooked on Locus, and with my flight instructor (he doesn't use Locus, but has experience with more airplane gps models than I do).  This way when I simplify my reply for you I'll know I've done my best to ensure that the work you do will be useful for any pilots who wish to import this information.  I'll update you once I've gone through the notes and can give you clear direction.

You had noted previously that you have other requests and ideas for pilots.  I'd be happy to help provide clarification/direction if you can point me at forum posts or provide me a list of items you are considering.  Besides being a pilot I am also the head software engineer at my company with over 20 years experience coding in several software languages (mostly MS Windows).

I've also considered creating a Pilot/Flying post which would include note from here and ask for other ideas, but I wasn't really sure if that was appropriate in your forums or not.
