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Locus Shop

Started by Menion, February 08, 2012, 13:27:05

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Hi guys,
  last weeks I'm working on new Locus Shop. Place where will be possible to download, and also buy, various data for Locus. For buying will be used in-app billing and main purpose of this, is to offer this possibility to some map providers. We'll see what they say on it.

  Anyway, I also want to have there big part of content for free. Just interesting data that may come useful to anyone. For now, I found some cursor icons and icons for categories here on forum and also one czech navigation voice, that is for sure for free with possibility to distribute it. I was thinking about ability to allow people upload own data but for now, I'll just leave it as is. So, if anyone have something interesting, that wants share with others (nice icons for categories, some working custom screen, map cursors, navigation voice that is for sure free), let me know

  Also, if anyone will be interested, after some testing I'll allow selling content also over this Locus shop, so if anyone is skilled, you may create nice custom screen and sell it over Locus shop.

  That's just first info. Ask if you're interesting in anything or write me if you have something you want to share with others. Just small warning. I'll allow to share only data that really worth it. So some personal databases of interesting places will probably not be best thing to share with others. If there will be interest, I may create section for some public sharing. But this probably later ...

  One note - if anyone from older users, want to test this feature, let me know (by PM, I'll send you link for download). I don't want to put testing version with this feature here on forum for now, till I'll do some more testing.

  And how does this looklike? :)
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Hm, interesting. Are you also planning to obtain licensed sales of various maps from commercial actors via the shop? I.e "packs" of say 10.000 offline tiles. Would be nice to overcome download quotas this way, and to regain access to maps that are long gone from Locus because of copyrights.


yes, that's the main reason. I'll ask owners of some online map sites, and also some offline providers. Anyway for this, I need to have this fully working and mainly without mistakes :)
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Nice work!
I hope there will be interest from map providers.

Sent from my SGSII using Tapatalk


I like it ;)

Can you send me some (imaginary) money? :D :P
Search before posting!!!
XDA Orbit, HTC Touch HD, SGS1, SGS2, Nexus S, S4 Active, OnePlus One, Innos D6000
OnePlus X


Quote from: "menion"One note - if anyone from older users, want to test this feature, let me know ...)
I left you a message on 10 Feb 2012, 22:03  :roll:


Hi Gynta, I know I know, thanks for offer, but I decided to risk it and publish during this week new version on market without public testing. Wish me luck :)
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Hi Menion,

by accident I bought the 30GB package twice (take it as a donation for your great work ;) ) and now I would like to know if I can use the download package on more than one device.

Also I would like to see the available and already use download somewhere in the shop.


Hello Hans,
  I'm very glad you contacted me with this.

  I was looking on "how things go" on server and in database (few hours ago) and I saw that you (in time I was looking on it, I had no idea that it's you) on checkout have already paid for this and I have no information on server. This is weird and should not happen.

  Anyway may you describe me a little how this happen? You paid yesterday for 30GB pack and ... nothing happen after that? Some problems with internet connection meanwhile? This system is quite new so I want to have all working perfectly

  And finally. I have no problem to refund you one order. I don't have system for this yet, but I'll soon do it :). That's first point. Second is that your orders are stored on my server in database under your email address. So on every devices, where you'll have (and select if you'll have there more accounts and will be asked for default) this email account, will be accessible bought items.

  And also, do you now see all 60GB in Locus Shop?
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Hi Menion,

IMHO, the second payment had worked, because I had updated Locus today. Maybe this version includes some necessary changes for the vector download from the shop.

After the first payment, opening the download dialogue always crashed Locus or the add-on which is started in this case.

BTW, downloaded some vector maps onto my second device. Worked like expected!


BTW, and, of course, I can see the remaining download volume in the Locus shop- :D


I'm a little confused. What are these GB limits for?


have 150GB free dl.
now im searching for a huge sdcard. :)


gyntaaaaa!!!! you're really crazy! You're the one of few people that deserve such amount for free from me (I expect to do this, just don't have such tool yet). Damn :) ... anyway thank you very much!

and oiorokko, these limits are for downloading vector maps directly in Locus. When you tap on item you want to buy (in the middle of line) you'll be able to look on available maps. First size is amount of data needed for transfer (this amount will be substract)
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I have troubles with the shop, today I purchased 3000 tiles opencyclemap.

I had to input some credentials with google play.

but purchase on Googles end worked ok, it seems, I got the confirmation mail

In your shop, I see under Maps/opencyclemap my purchased tiles but no place to spend them or download, or opencycleMap names.

also when I press the Buy me Icon on the right, it says "Dialog_billing_not_supported_ID"

Maybe I only seem to miss some navigational thingies to get me to see the actual maps.
