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GUI of Locus

Started by Menion, January 15, 2012, 21:26:34

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Hi guys,
  hot topic for me (last days) is GUI of locus. As you for sure know, Locus do not use all view components default one (system), but I use own styled for example top panels, closing X in dialogs and some more. I want to know opinion from more then one people

  also I create new small settings dialog for styles of tracks and waypoints on map and want to know, if you prefer default android style of settings or you feel comfortable with system I create

  we already discussed this here viewtopic.php?f=25&t=1537&start=20#p9414 or here viewtopic.php?f=26&t=974. This is fine, but it's usually discussion with one or two people (not enough for serious opinion)

  also one main information - I don't want to radically change style right now. I just want to know, what you prefer (because without a lot of negative points, I'll keep current style  :lol:  ) ... thanks guys

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For newcomers to Locus a standard Android approach would be easier to learn.

I have "tuned" Locus for my liking and I do not need settings too much. But when I do, I often have to go thru several main settings categories before I find the correct one.  But this may be because Locus is so wonderfully customisable application?

So I think that at least everything under the settings menu should be according to Android style.
The quick menus and similar shortcuts can (and should) use a style that is best for the task. For example recording "toolbar" and geocache window are intuitive and work very well!



I really don't understand the trouble with the display of settings. From time to time, i install new apps on my devices. Just because I am curious, how they work and what they do. Now I've got around 250 apps. Don't know, if this is much or not.... BUT: None of them is as complex as Locus is. The only ones that come close to Locus - regarding the amount of settings and customisation - are "Go Launcher", "Dialer One" and Android itself. And they do nothing else than Locus. The display of settings is pretty similar. Of course, if you are looking for something special to change, you have to look into different menus to find what you've been looking for.

About the GUI on map screen: Sometimes, i miss that "sexy touch" that other GPS apps are offering. But this is nothing what would make me switch, because most of them have very limited functionality.
I am used to the UI of Locus. So nothing to change for me ;)
Regarding new users, it is for sure not easy to find in. But this is the topic as described with settings above. How else would you pack all these features into an user interface? Impossible! With the possibility to set up the right panel with the functions you want, Menion found a perfect solution. All features and functions available, the ones the user wants are easy to reach.
Maybe there are some possibilities to make to ways, the finger has to reach for the next click a bit shorter. For example: Most apps have a main menu. You open it by click on the hardware menu button. It shows up on the bottom panel of the app. Short way way to go. In Locus, you have to go to the middle of the screen to reach the menu. But this is just an example.

Ehmm I guess, enough text for this morning ;)
But I still don't know, how to vote in the poll :D

Cheers, berkley
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I really like the current GUI (what you call the *old style* above). One particular detail that is extremely useful, is that current setting of an entry is shown in yellow, so you do not need to tap into that entry to see what is selected. This is particularly useful in an app like Locus with so many settings (which all are great!). Also the way the menus are organized on the map and all the user settings there are really good.


glad you like it. I did some (maybe a lot) of improvements last days, so I hope you all will like it. Main differences will be on android ICS ...
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yay glad I am running ICS then :-)

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