Data path

Started by sigma, December 09, 2011, 20:58:00

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Congratulation for this great App. I use it since a long time and I also bougt the pro version.

Until I had the stock firmware of the galaxy s2 there was no problem with the data path on the external SD of the galaxy S2. But since I changed to Cyanogen Mod (my favorite firmware also on the nexus one) there's a problem with the path to the external SD Card. Because I have about 15GB offline maps for geocaching it's a need to have it on the external SD. But cyanogen mod hadles the sd card another way than the stock firmware. So the SD card can be reached by the path /mnt/emmc and so the Locus files should be in /mnt/emmc/Locus

I changed the path in the string: <string name="KEY_S_MAP_OFFLINE_LAST_MAP_FILEPATH">/mnt/emmc/Locus/maps</string>
in the file /data/data/

So at the start of locus pro the maps will be loded. But in the "Karten-Manager" (maybe "Map-Manager" in english) no maps are listed on personal, vector and so on. I think I changed with this action only the "last viewed map".

Is there a way to redirect the whole work path of Locus to /mnt/emmc/Locus ?

If not at the moment, is it possible to include a parameter into the config file for changing the standard Locus path to another location?

Thanks for an answer.



  parameter you changed, do not have influence on what you need. Just take whole locus directory and place it on sd card. This should work
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Hi Menion,

Thanks for your answer. I tried this out, but it don't work. The problems seems to be the internal SD-Drive which the galaxy's have. There's an internal SD Drive (16GB) and also the possibility of an additional SD Card (in my case a 32GB for all the locus files).

The stock firmware handles it as following:

internal SD is: /sdcard
external SD is: /sdcard/external_sd

In cyanogenmod it's like this

internal SD: /sdcard
external SD: /mnt/emmc

The /sdcard/external_sd exists also in this image, but it's only a subdirectory of /sdcard, I mean it's on the same "disk".

If I put the whole Locus Directory to the external SD (/mnt/emmc/Locus) the App don't finds the files and creates a new empty directory structure on /sdcard/external_sd wihich is not on the physical external SD

So, for this case it's a need to make Locus know, where the external SD is.

My change don't work, you're right. It can't be work, if I understand the key "KEY_S_MAP_OFFLINE_LAST_MAP_FILEPATH" this is only the directory I used last. But with this entry the maps work, but I can't change to another map. I have only swiss topo maps there and so this seems to work. But If I download new maps and change to them they where put in the new locus map directory and I have no further access to the self setted path. I have to reset it again and it works... but only until the next change.

So it will be great if you (I think you are the prgrammer of this great app) include a possibility to customize the locus path.

have a nice evening.



this is really weird that this do not work. When Locus starts, it firstly check predefined locations, if there isn't locus directory. If find any, then it use it. If not, locus create directory on path that system return as a memory card (which in case of SGS2 is as you wrote - only /sdcard). "/mnt/emmc" is already added into Locus search path so it really should work. Hmm anyway I plan to add selectable directories for maps. I just need to create some "directory picker" first because writing path manually is really very stupid ...
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HI menion,

Thanks again for the answer. Yes it's not the best solution to define manualy paths. But if the other side won't work, maybe the only solution. So I see you know the samsung speciality. I think only samsung devices have this speciality. I tried cyangenmod a few weeks ago but because of the directory problem with locus I changed back to the stock firmware. The last few days I had terrible problems with this firmware, sometims the mobile went into a boot slope and it was difficult to get it out of this. Somteims it works fine but it was in a very instable status. Today I decided to change definitively to cyanogenmod. I hoped to find a solution with locus. But because of the fat partition simbol links are not possible. So I tried to find if you have the path's seted into a config file. I searched and found one, but the only path information are the ones I wrote earlier.
If you include the /mnt/emmc dir into the code I wonder why it don't works. I can search again, if there's anything on another path.
Maybe important for you, I restored locus with Titanium Backup. But the Directory on the SD (internal and external) are not wiped at the installation of the new os. Maybe Titanium Backup has made something special. If you have an idea in this direction, I can try it with my device.




I tried this:
I deleted the directory external_sd on /sdcard. After that Locus founds /mnt/emmc/Locus.

So I again creat external_sd and Locus creates new empty config Files in this new created dir. -> If external_sd as directory don't exists, Locus finds the files on the /mnt/emmc, if it exists, Locus don't searches this dir and creates the new empty structure.

Maybe this helps you. Maybe it's important to have this external_sd for other apps. But at the moment I don't see any reason. So I delete it again, and I think Locus will work. Very strange....

Have a nice evening.



Hi Menion,

thanks for the availability to include extra map paths to locus. Very fast reaction.




I agree. Maps folders are perfect. Thanks!


glad you like it. It wasn't anyway too fast ... few months I think :). I was still "lazy" to create "directory" picker ... uff, finally done and seems to work nice
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