Disable / Enable category on "choose category" screen

Started by yoko, January 16, 2011, 13:41:11

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hi menion,

i'm preparing offline-maps and POIs for a trip to tokyo and some other japanese cities.
yesterday i was thinking about adding POIs for the tokyo metro stations and started searching google for some data and/or information.

this is what i found: http://www.google.com/ig/directory?type ... applet.xml
on the right side is a link to the source where you can grap this: http://tokyo-gadget.googlecode.com/svn/ ... applet.kml

perfect! 290 POIs and 13 tracks in 1 file :mrgreen:

i converted it to gpx and imported the file with locus. worked great, as always ;)
but, i think you can imagine how it looks when you activate 290 POIs at once! a totally mess :lol:

the 13 lines of the tokyo metro are distinguishable by different colors, so i created 13 new POI icons in different colors, splitted the gpx file into 13 new files, created 13 categories and imported the data. looks much better now! ;)

BUT, its annoying to disable / enable 13 categories:
1. open the category popup >
2. pick a category >
3. disable/enable POIs with this invert button >
4. go back to the map >
5. restart at 1 >

so, it would be great if you could add a disable/enable checkbox to the category popup! :mrgreen:

a grouping function for similar categories would be great too! something like this:
+ Tokyo Metro
--- Tokyo Metro Line A
--- Tokyo Metro Line C
--- Tokyo Metro Line E
+ Another Category
+ Another Category

hmm, long posting for such a short request... sorry about that :mrgreen:


  I don't think that this is needed (I'm planning another solution to work with more points in same category) ... may you send me to email your downloaded KML file? Downloading for me do not work due to some mistake on server ... hmm
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hi, thank you for your reply! :)

sure, i will send the file to your e-mail account.

ok, check your mails ;)


hi yoko,
  please try new updated version from here viewtopic.php?f=21&t=129

import full kml file! do no separate into categories manually. All points will be with correct icons (if you will be connected to internet to download them into cache) and you should use filter on poi screen ...

what you think? ;)
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so finally, checkbox on every category is added into new version 0.9.8
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