Locus to Locus commuications/sync

Started by rkirmeier, September 12, 2011, 23:34:44

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I have brought up this request in the past and even fairly recently had another topic regarding sharing a POI via bluetooth. With Tablets becoming a huge market I think there would be a lot interest in having some true real time communications/syncing between copies of Locus. Imagine using your phone for Navigation and a passenger in your car adding some POIs or defining a route on a tablet then "sending" it to the phone. This would really be a great feature that no one else has! Personally I would use it when riding my motor cycle or snowmobile in that I would have my phone mounted in a waterproof case and when I stop I would pull the tablet out (bigger screen for a group of people to look at!). We could define some POIs or a route we want to take then "send to" another device/copy of Locus. I could also see others in my group using Locus and being able to send to many devices, even if one at a time, would be great. I assume Bluetooth would be the way to do this so you would simply have to be paired to make the connection. Otherwise Wifi-Direct but that is pretty new and not a lot of devices support that yet. The current way of sharing a POI via Bluetooth is simply way too much work for just a single POI.

Thanks for listening!


To Menion: It's same like this my post :)

Now I use private ftp and sync "locus/data" folder. I use TotalCommander for Android with ftp plugin. And from pc I can send other data into mobile or tablet.
But not everyone has the opportunity to use private ftp.


This will be cool. Exchanging POIs, tracks, maps, even the current position or currently recorded track.

Ormoru: there is also the Dropbox and Titanium Media Sync which I use successfully.



I would be happy to donate $$ for this feature. Frankly I think Locus is a steal and would be happy to pay more for additional advanced functionality like this!.. Maybe an add-on?


guys you really want this feature? Hmm I'm surprised ... hmm I have to think about it because it seems not so easy for me ... it needs some nice and simple idea how to do some sync
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With all the people having smart phones and tablets no a ways why does it surprise you that we would want to have some more advanced sharing/syncing capabilities? I think to start out it would be great to at least be able to directly send a POI, track, or route to another device without a ton of effort and not requiring cell service.

BTW: Keep up the great work!


I was thinking about another kind of "sharing" - like a periodic push of the GPS position to a website. So to allow "live tracking" for example.

Or would something like that better be done in a Locus Add-On?

EDIT: hm, the websites who do this have their own apps anyway



Quote from: "menion"guys you really want this feature? Hmm I'm surprised ... hmm I have to think about it because it seems not so easy for me ... it needs some nice and simple idea how to do some sync

What about Dropbox? I am sure, there is an API available...
Search before posting!!!
XDA Orbit, HTC Touch HD, SGS1, SGS2, Nexus S, S4 Active, OnePlus One, Innos D6000
OnePlus X


Dropbox is NO good for me. REQUIRES cell/data service! That defeats the power of Locus and "OFFLINE" maps!


Ok, this task is not Locus specific.

You need to find a way to do device-device communication. This can be done over bluetooth and wifi.
Just a hint: You can set up mobile tethering without having a mobile internet connection. This means, you can create a wifi with your phone.

I found a number of promising apps, but didn't test them... ... Fileshare/ ... issingsync ... al.blueftp ... sharing.r1 ... simplesync ... =24&num=24

Please test some of them.
Search before posting!!!
XDA Orbit, HTC Touch HD, SGS1, SGS2, Nexus S, S4 Active, OnePlus One, Innos D6000
OnePlus X


Yes... I know how to setup device to device communications. All my Android devices are rooted and I tether from my phone all the time. I even use TGPS server/client for getting GPS coordinates over to my Color Nook since it does not have a built in GPS. In reality I think the developer would want to do something that does not require rooting though so tethering would be out of the question. I'm thinking bluetooth although some new phones are coming with Wifi-Direct. Personally I would prefer just using wifi, those that are not rooted and want this capability but don't have wifi-direct could just setup a pocket wifi ap... It already is possible to send a POI file over bluetooth but requires a lot of steps and is very limited in functionality. I would see this implemented more so as a active client/server connection then just syncing files.


I'm starting to think with all the other requests and your (authors) lack of interest in this it may not happen at least anytime in the foreseeable future. Wondering if there could be a compromise? What I am thinking is... What if Locus monitored a folder and automatically imported POIs, tracks, etc? I'm thinking it wouldn't be too difficult to setup an app that would sync or copy files from the bluetooth drop directory into a folder in the Locus directory and Locus would automatically import the data. So if I do a send to bluetooth from my other device the POIs would then show up automatically! I really really really would like to have the ability to share POIs and tracks from on device to another without having to manually import them on the receiving device.



rlirmeir: I have much important task on shedule, last two weeks I was fighting with generating vector maps, now I started fighting with OSM troubles (and creating own tile server), during that I'm doing some small improvements, but because I have no simple idea how to implement this what you want, I'm leaving it be for now. In new version will be backup manager function that allow to compress all main data into one pack and restore it on another device or later when needed, so maybe this helps you at least little bit
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In simple terms I am just asking for a "Auto" import feature. An option that when enabled will monitor a folder and when new files show up it will automatically import them. Since Locus exports multiple tracks in a ZIP file the auto import should also be able to import a ZIP or gpx or other supported type.


sorry rkirmeier, but this have for me currently very low priority. I've added this to my TODO list now, so I'm sure I'll not forget and over winter I'll surely do something with this
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