Where could I find the exact GPS-Time?

Started by Spartaner, November 20, 2016, 17:11:43

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For geotagging of photos I write my track with Locus, and make one or more photos of a GPS-device's exact GPS-time. Later I correct the time of my photos to the exakt GPS-time, followed by the allocation of the positions to the jpeg-data of each photo.

When I press the green GPS-sign in the headline of Locus, the GPS-screen opens and shows the "Last GPS-Fix" in the lower right corner. Unfortunately, this seems to be _not_ the right GPS-time, nor the right atomic time (UTC). Is there any "hidden" option to see the right time within Locus? Most I would like to see not only date and time with hours, minutes an seconds, but also 1/10 or even 1/100 seconds.


see attached screenshot from a  exported recorded track
how often locus create a track point depend on setting of used profil
time Z means UTC

inside locus click on visible track/edit on map/ now you see on bottom of lable the time h/min/sec
and you can jump to next trackpoint with left/right arrow button
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Sorry, I have no problem with the recorded track.

I only want to see the current exact GPS-time or UTC anywhere in Locus, just as most GPS-devices do.


Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Quote from: balloni55 on November 20, 2016, 19:44:51
local "h / min" you can see in top panel if you select Time, batterystaus
It shows the date, and time with hh:mm, but no seconds and never parts of  a second. Furthermore I think it shows the android system time instead of the exact GPS-time (or UTC). The system time can slowly become inaccurate after long offline time during a long trip in remote areas.

So the question remains, wether Locus may show the exact GPS-time (or UTC)?


What are we talking about here ? Maybe a drift of 5-10 secs per day.

If you have a rooted device, this app will comfort you:

If not rooted, you can fix the time manually to a reasonable extent a couple of times per day.

Unless you are travelling in a rocket or at least 200+ km/h constantly, there should be no harm.



Unfortunately, you are not able to understand my need for the exact time. Anyway, I found a solution outside of LocusPro called Satellite Time Reader (Free), wich shows the GPS-time exactly like my Holux-241, independent of the smartphones system time (which shifts slowly, if not synchronized via internet).


I also would like to display hours:minutes:seconds  on the maps screen as  HH:MM:SS using a dashboard.
Is there a way to format the time field to HH:MM:SS shown in a dashboard?