[Q] Palettes for coloring

Started by Christian, June 05, 2016, 10:10:49

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Hi menion,
I'm happy with the new feature
( http://help.locusmap.eu/topic/altitude-map)
and played around with the palettes. But unfortunately i can't get any intensive coloring like you (in the image of Praha).
In my case is always pale light brown or kind of grey :(

If i understand correctly the numbers in palettes like 0....126 or -1500....4000 are taken by Locus as height above sea levels? Or relative difference in altitude?
Looking for palettes for low mountains range (400-900m above sea level) and for the alps (800-4000m above sea level).

I tried palettes nrw*, alpen, GMT* and other palettes from the link you posted but without any better results.

Thank you for any hint,


i also don't find any good solution yet.
Default theme and all my own tests ends in a blurring soup.

So same idea here:
Waiting for more (better) examples


May be Locus is optimized for Praha city ;)


Austrian alps:
2 new versions attached (gentle and hard transitions)


install: copy the *.cpt files to "..\Locus\data\interpolators" folder:


Ahhh, i got it.
Normally i don't look inside any files.
So i will try to improve any other palettes.


You'r welcome
...and please share your palette.


There are 4 CPT files. Color gradient is based on this web. The color steps work pretty well I guess  :)


Create interpolators folder in Locus > data and download the files to the interpolators folder.


Range -50 to 1000 m ASL (white color over 1000 m) /  25 m and 50m steps

Range 100 to 2000 m ASL (white color over 2000 m) / 50m and 100 m steps

Range 400 to 4500 m ASL (white color over it) / 100 and 200 m steps

Range 1000 to 6500 m ASL (white color over it) / 200 and 250 m steps


Lowland theme - Central Bohemian Uplands - Highest peak about 800 m ASL

Highlandtheme - Krkonose mountains - Highest peak 1602 m ASL

Alps theme - Austrian Alps

Mountains theme - Nepal

Highland vs Alps theme - High and Low Tatras in Slovakia

Edit: modiy altitude ranges and steps

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That looks nice :)
Thank you for providing the palettes.
Will test it in the wild...


I hope you are planning test the mountains.cpt in Nepal  :D

I will test it too, so these are beta versions :) 

And there is fr-fr.topographic-map.com theme, same color palete and the same altitude steps, if someone finds it useful


Update for my Austrian alp files. -> here
' think it works now for my own purpose.

