Awkward track "edit on map" should be improved

Started by balloni55, October 22, 2014, 15:25:17

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i´v recorded a track, one times i paused recording for a rest and forgot to start it again,
after late restart of trackrecording i was searching a geocache collecting needless trackpoints without pausing.
by the way see:
Now my task is:
1. delete needless trackpoints from track
2. close the gap on the track

1. deleting e.g. 30 trackpoints is awkward, a "cut option", or a "delete from/to" would be helpfull
2. The way to close the gap with "insert new point" is illogical! i begin editing on last point of first leg and the added point is connected to start point of second leg ::) see video
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Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


tricky but feasable.
You can use "split" function and then delete the splitted part with 30 points.
Close the gap by inserting a new route by brouter (or something else likein your video) with or without (!) routing. Then merge these tracks (don't leave gaps). Its fiddeling but the best you can do imho.
I always do so.


Hello Christian,
thanks for your answer and possible solutions :)
i tried it and it work ???
QuoteIts fiddeling but the best you can do imho
thats it!
My ulterior motive with this "question" is, to point on part inside locus which should be improved 8)
This feature is named "edit on map" but some functions inside this feature are not user friendly :-[
Locus Map Gold AFA

LM4 User ID e06d572d4


Schlingel! ;)
...not userfriendly....hmm.
It's a different kind of thinking. Not really a problem.
Fiddling because of thick fingers, zooming in and out, small displays.