[APP] - version 2.20.X+ (updated 27.5.2014)

Started by Menion, March 25, 2014, 16:20:46

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Ah you've got it. Locus use last settings for "Navigation generator" you used, so in this case, it's probably "Number of orders: low". Thanks Tommi!
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Quote from: balloni55 on May 28, 2014, 21:07:40
have you changed anything exporting a Track with POIs in
If i import a with exported .kmz i am able to select  "Merge Points with track", see left screenshot
If i import a with exported .kmz i am missing  "Merge Points with track", see right screenshot
and so the POIs are additional imported :o
I'm testing this issue and seems there is an interesting problem. It's not because of any change in Locus, such issue exists in Locus for a long time. Problem is, that before import, Locus do really simple and fast counting of points/tracks in file. In case of your second file, it search for tracks by counting of '<linestring' text. And in your file is one track separated on two linestrings. That's all. Because Locus think, there are two tracks, you do not see "Merge option". But how to solve it? Hard to say :). Precise counting is quite complicated here if "Analyzing" part before import should be fast.
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