Geocaching4Locus - version 2.0.3

Started by Martin Sloup, May 02, 2011, 15:58:22

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Martin Sloup

Hello everybody, a new version is out. Just now it's in accepting queue on Google Play thus it will become available within a few hours.

• Fixed a few reported problems in a log in process
• Better error message when server doesn't return valid response in the log in process
• Fixed other reported problems
• Added Slovenian language (by davidpanic1)
Autor of Geocaching4Locus add-on


It is available now for installation.  I am happy to report my login problem has been fixed.


I have found another logging problem. Previous release fixed problems with loging to when downloading caches, but today i was on another geocaching hunt, found five caches and tried to log them online directly from the locus. But when I try to post the log to, browser with opens, I have to log in, then grant the access to Locus by Locus application, afterwards it looks like the cache was successfuly logged, as it is marked as found in locus. I had to do the same procedure for every cache, ie. altogether five times.

I came back home, checked site and there was no logged cache from me today. In locus five logs, on nothing.

Please check it. I am using mobile phone with Android 2.2.


Hi Sluny,
  this is more to some different topic, related to Locus itself, then this add-on. Anyway you selected "log your visit" for upload or "Upload field note" when you uploaded log on server? btw. in menu > function > Geocaching live, is ability to log your field notes in batch
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"log your visit", this method worked without any problems before...

(je to anglicky psané vlákno, tak píšu anglicky, kdyby bylo potřeba něco upřesnit nebo natestovat, tak klidně přes soukromé zprávy)


hmm this is probably same as discuss here on czech GC forum ... start=1235
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With version the login process is OK now  :D . Many thanks to Arcao!

But there is a little problem with the import process now:
After importing a new cache , Locus 2.6.0 don't focus at the location of the cache although the function in import template is set. Maybe these is a problem between Locus and G4L?

(Android 2.3.3)
Zufall ist, wenn das Schicksal eine Maske aufsetzt, um nicht erkannt zu werden.  (Wepper)


If I go to Data and then into one of my cache-folders and then chose to update several caches there, it seems to work like a re-import and I'm asked which folder to import these caches to. Is it possible to skip this question and simply chose the folder where the caches have been in? Sometimes I forget to change that folder and have them imported into the wrong one, since the last folder that has been used for imports is preselected.

Of course, the best solution would be if "updating" these caches would really only update them and not reimport them, but I bet it's a limitation you cannot circumvent. Can anything be done about this?


Hi guys,

I want to report a little problem previously discussed at When I download information about mystery cache with corrected coordinates at, two other WPs appaer - Original Coordinates and Final location 1. The bug is, that all three WPs (including the cache itself) are with the same coordinates. Is it really bug, or some kind of feature? :-)




I just downloaded the latest Geocaching Addon and I can't login to my Geocache account. I clicked "Login" in the preferences, the browser opens and I have to enter my login data on geocaching website. After signing in I have to allow access to But by allowing access the browsers tries to open the following website: x-g4l://oauth.callback/callback?oauth_verifier=Uz7iHes%3D&oauth_token=7UHio28qaBdslprP6UcmvUMCS8g%3D , which can't be opend. What did I wrong? How can I solve the login problem?


there seems to be a problem in the Geocaching addon.
I have it set to download 200 caches, 30 logs per cache, in 10km radius (and then import them to Locus). The download was working correctly until 50/200 caches downloaded, then stopped for a while and crashed with error message "Network unavailable. Please check your connection". I tried it 5 times - 3 times yesterday and 2 times today. It always failed at this same spot 50/200. Then I restarted my phone and I was able to download more than 50, it failed somewhere on 130 (don't know because I was not watching the display at that time). My connection is working fine. How can I diagnose the problem in-depth and analyse what's going wrong?

Now I tried doing the same on my friend's wifi network and it downloaded like 180 caches successfully. Then it asked me for a category to import them into, and I picked one. It started importing the caches up until 50 caches and then whole Locus crashed. I chose the Report option but before that, I looked inside the report and saw that there was an Out of memory exception. So it looks like problems with it are not solved in latest version of geocaching addon (as written in changelog).
Do you like Scrabble? You can play on SKREBL.EU (my personal project) - free, various language versions available!


I recently got a new phone (HTC Evo V 3D 4G), and installed Locus and your Geocaching addon.  I used them for over a year on my previous phone (Galaxy S) without any issues.  Now, when i try to login  it says "Error Occurs!" in blue, then "Invalid Username or Password.  Please check your log-in state in preferences."  I'm not sure what a "login state" is, but when i click "ok", and then "Log in", it sends me out to where it asks me to log in.  When i do, i get an e-mail from almost immediately telling me that it was successful, but the web site just pushes me out to another page, and it loops... asking for user name and password again, successful again, etc.  I end up logged in to the web site, but it seems to have no effect on the app itself as it always fails login.

I'm running version  Please let me know if there's a fix for this, or if i'm the only one having this problem..




Hello - I downloaded cache GCW43N but hint at Locus is different from hint on I tried to update it but still at Locus is "U2" and on "H2" - why? I use version


Quote from: "Zerthe"Hello - I downloaded cache GCW43N but hint at Locus is different from hint on I tried to update it but still at Locus is "U2" and on "H2" - why? I use version
That is because Locus automatically decrypts the hint using ROT13, but website displays it encrypted by default.
Do you like Scrabble? You can play on SKREBL.EU (my personal project) - free, various language versions available!


Quote from: "Mek"That is because Locus automatically decrypts the hint using ROT13, but website displays it encrypted by default.
:D  Oops!  :oops: I don´t understand why I forgot decrypt it on (maybe because of only two letters) - thanks!   ;)