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Started by Menion, February 21, 2011, 10:24:02

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Hi Menion,

I got a new baby girl, Lea, recently so I haven't been so active with either Locus or the forum. But I download each and every update and is always excited to see what new fantastic features you have added. And if I compare to when I discoved Locus in the beginning of the year is is really amazing what you have accomplished in a few months. I don't even dare to guess what it is like next spring :)

One of the major improvements recently is vector maps, they work very well although a little bit slower, but it is great to have a whole country offline in all zoom levels. And I also immediately bought the vector downloader addon even though you offer it for free for contributors, but the price is very fair indeed and I want to support you! And most of all, it is very useful to be able to download vector maps away from my computer :-)

I have one wish for the vector maps: A go to map center function just like for normal offline maps. If for example I have downloaded Turkey I have to use the search function to go there. It would be much easier just to go to map center.

This thread is really about translations and I have a suggestion. I have contributed to the Danish translations but many of them are still not good because you see it out of context when you translate it. But when I am out offroad and use it for real, the translations pop up and sore my eye! But in that situation I cannot do anything about it.

Would it be possible to implement a translation mode something like this:

When you see a translation that needs attention you somehow long-press and mark it as a to-do item. That could be a text on the main screen on in the settings. Later on at home you can get a list of the items you marked and translate them properly using crowdin.

I would say that most of the texts and thus the bad translations are in the settings, so that is the most important area in my opion.

Do you think something like that would be possible?


hey, congratulation :) !!! (to girl)

don't worry about activity, priorities are clear here :)

anyway, speed of vector maps - I know, there is still place for improvements.

About storing some text for later fixes ... I have really no idea how to do this anyway I think that this is not a big problem. Understand that text should be in difference sence, but when you sometimes fix some problems you'll remember, this will be enough. Even with some mistakes, for people who do not speak English (or who really hate my English translation), is every translation more then welcome.
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And the go to map center of vector maps? Should be easy enough, right? :-)


hmm you want to "Set center"? Because "Center map" (centering on map center) is already there
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Hmmm, you are right!!!

I am pretty sure it wasn't there last night. But hey, it was late :-)



my username is: webmoly

I'd like to translate it into Persian / Farsi (Iran)


  I confirmed your request. Help is more then welcome!
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John Doe

Hi Menion,

I've noticed that some of the addons is not translated yet, are they coming up on crowdin?



Good point ;)

Even if some of the addons were not directly developed by Menion, it would look for sure nice, if they were available in other languages too. For my part, i wouldn't mind supporting the addons by translating them.

Cheers, berkley
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In addition to my post above...

I played a bit with some addons. Seems they are well integrated into Locus. Also with some dialogs. It seems, that some phrases are already translated with some online translating service, which isn't always the best choice ;)

I really suggest to implement the addons into crowdin too. Either into Locus project or in their own project.

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John Doe

Well... its free for the developers to decide where they would like their apps/addons to be translated, but I just thought that it would give some measure of continuity if it was the same translators that do the work.

Menion should invite the addons developers to crowdin...

Just my five cents...


I have translated Locus to Estonian, but there aren't anyone to vote anymore. Is it still possible to get Estonian language to Locus app? Or what should I do?


hi Oiorokko. To be true, I already forget to look on your progress. Perfect, I'll put your translation to next version

I'll also write you some more info later. Hmm some global mail to all people who translate locus. Thanks to in-app billing and fact that all purchases are stored on my server, I can simply (not yet but soon) add you some items to your inventory. So expect bunch of megabytes for vector maps and probably some more later ;)
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Thanks, menion. I'm looking forward for the next update :)


Ich (ponzelar) bitte um eine deutsche Übersetzung.
gesendet mit oneplus 3 und CM 13