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[CZ&SK] - diskuze o Locusu / Re: Maximalna rychlost trate
Last post by Menion - January 10, 2025, 09:51:32
To je velmi dobrá otázka. Koukám na to a rychlost se opravdu napočítává jen při importu pro trasy, které rychlost nemají přímo definovanou. Jiná možnost v aplikaci aktuálně není.

Ideální by bylo, aby se takováto rychlost už při získání nějak upravila. Není to nicméně tak snadné, jelikož naopak častější jev jsou ústřely v poloze, kdy při pomalé rychlosti chůze může poloha i několik desítek metrů odskočit. To pak způsobuje zase naopak výrazně vyšší rychlost.

Neříkám, že by to nešlo udělat lépe ale je to celkem komplexní úkol, tedy na výrazně déle.

Koukám navíc, že v úkolníčku už mám tento úkol od roku 2016. Od té doby, podobných problémů výrazně ubylo (přesnější GPS) a doufal jsem tedy, že ho řešit již nebudu muset. Nicméně zkusím tomu zvýšit prioritu a dostal se letos k tomu. Dám vědět pokud bude nějaký pokrok. Díky za pochopení.
[CZ&SK] - diskuze o Locusu / Re: Maximalna rychlost trate
Last post by Dusan Gazo - January 09, 2025, 17:06:33
Dakujem za info.
Este otazka. Je nejaka moznost, tieto nerealne hodnoty rychlosti nejak eliminovat (upravit, vymazat, ...)
Robi to neplechu pri statistickych informaciach, a co ma najviac trapi je ,ked chcem niekomu ukazat
moznosti programu a vyskoci mi maximalna rychlost 360km/h a idem pesi.
Nie vzdy pomoze vyexportovanie a naimportovanie gpx.

S pozdravom.
Troubles & Questions / Re: Search in points nonsensic...
Last post by Graf Geo - January 08, 2025, 21:16:52
Even more unwanted search results:

The search in descriptions also finds the addresses/street names that are automatically added to the shaping points (and via points) for planned routes.

I don't know whether this makes sense. These are not consciously entered and so you have no control over what is being searched for... Many planned tracks are found just because the search string is contained in some street name of some shaping point.

The search should be limited to the name of the point/track and (if the option is activated) your own description. Anything else will only lead to unwanted search results.

(Or offer another deactivatable checkbox: "Search also in shaping and via points".)
Other features / Re: My library (Data manager),...
Last post by Graf Geo - January 08, 2025, 19:11:36
Another suggestion for improving the new MyLib database functionality:

Breadcrumbs are perfect.

But when I select individual points or tracks in a folder and want to move them to another folder, the breadcrumbs are unfortunately not displayed and I have to click through the entire folder structure again to select the target folder.

This is annoying as I often want to move individual tracks/points to new subfolders of the current folder.

Couldn't the breadcrumbs also be displayed in selection mode?
vielleicht hilft es ja jemand ;)
mit QGIS habe ich eine Möglichkeit gefunden, das Werkzeug dafür findet man unter
Wichtig um die Überschneidungsbögen auszublenden ist den Haken bei "Ergebnis auflösen" zu setzen
You cannot view this attachment.
Other features / Re: My library (Data manager),...
Last post by Graf Geo - January 08, 2025, 12:31:21
Another small visual imperfection:

In the left panel, next to the German entry "Meine Bibliothek", the number of displayed elements is positioned very close to the text at 6 digits around the "/", which looks a bit unattractive to me. (Screenshot 1)
At 7 digits there is a text wrap = better. (Screenshot 2)

Perhaps this could also be done at 6 digits?

BTW: since there is only one entry under the blue heading "My library" (again "My library"), this is somehow duplicated. But I can't think of an ideal solution either. Perhaps you could combine Library and Points as a heading and place the "My Library" entry with a vertical space between them (screenshot 3).
Tasker / Re: nearest point
Last post by 40° - January 08, 2025, 07:27:14

action: "nearest_point" - Find the nearest point along the active route and set it as the current navigation target.

Other features / Re: My library (Data manager),...
Last post by Graf Geo - January 07, 2025, 15:06:22
Small issue, no idea if this has already been reported:

When I place the "my library" icon in the side panel and press and hold it, the handy "Hide all" function is not available. See screenshot.
[CZ&SK] - diskuze o Locusu / Re: Nahrávání fotek k LoPointů...
Last post by Graf Geo - January 07, 2025, 10:24:43
Omlouvám se, ale v mých "Expert settings" odborných nastaveních se položka nezobrazuje.

Zde je můj snímek obrazovky s posledními položkami:
Troubles & Questions / Search in points nonsensically...
Last post by Graf Geo - January 07, 2025, 09:38:37
Hello Menion,

I've always wondered why the search in points sometimes returns results that have nothing to do with the search word or search string.

I just took a closer look and realised that this only happens if an attached photo was used as an icon for the point. If I replace the photo icon with a symbol, the corresponding point is no longer found.

I then exported such a point as a gpx file and looked at it with an editor. And indeed: The photo icon generated by Locus is coded with an exorbitantly inflated cryptic character salad (over 10,000 characters!!!). This even appears twice in the code, once between the tags <sym>...</sym> and again between the tags <locus:icon>...</locus:icon>.


<sym>image/png;base64,iVBORw0KGgoAAAANSUhEUgAAAEAAAABLCAYAAADAroEdAAAAAXNSR0IArs4c6QAAAARzQklUCAgICHwIZIgAACAASURBVHic5Zt5jGXZfdc/v3POXd5S79XaVdU93T09S0+7x54x9owdj23i4CWON0jk ... (further >10000 characters)</sym>

<locus:icon> ... (further >10000 characters)</locus:icon>.

Even if the string of characters is cryptic and only rarely corresponds to a search string, it makes no sense for the search to include this code. If I search for "heu", for example, the point is found because the code contains hEU (see red font).

Is it even necessary to generate such a long code for the photo icons? And can't it be excluded from the search?

Supplement: This happens both in the official Locus version and in the new My Library version.