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Unfortunately, add OSM points directly in the Locus app. This needs to be done first on the OpenStreetMap website, then wait quite a long time for the point to appear in Locus before adding the photo. It is terribly lengthy and most people, including me, discourage me. Therefore, it would be better if Locus introduced its own database of global Lobodies that could be created as fast as personal Lobodies. They could then use a macro to translate to OpenStreetMap once in a while.
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.28.+ ( 2...
Last post by Menion - March 04, 2025, 22:20:08
@Cyklo Miro
thanks, issue is already fixed and will be published till the end of the week.
Quote from: Žajdlík Josef on March 04, 2025, 10:37:25I understand and understand what the problem is. But this is a thing Locus team how to do it. Either they want the photos to be public for all users, and then the points can be created directly for OSM. Or they will want to maintain their own photos database, and in which case the newly created points from the photos will only be stored there. But this does not change the fact that the whole system is now quite limited by functionality. A regular user does not create a new point in OSM maps, so Locus will lose a photo from this place.

Unfortunately, I'm afraid that mainly users will lose the photo, even if the point is there, because adding it is a real hassle ...
If no one has any other idea, adding it by (even temporary) displaying the photo in the map seems to me to be the best option, as well as adding a new point to OSM directly in the application...
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.28.+ ( 2...
Last post by Cyklo Miro - March 04, 2025, 12:34:21
In the new version 4.28, the "Copy to" function does not work for caches displayed using G4L and Live Map. Click on the cache - three dots at the bottom right - Copy to - the application crashes.
Note: if I open a cache already stored in a database, this procedure works without problems
I understand and understand what the problem is. But this is a thing Locus team how to do it. Either they want the photos to be public for all users, and then the points can be created directly for OSM. Or they will want to maintain their own photos database, and in which case the newly created points from the photos will only be stored there. But this does not change the fact that the whole system is now quite limited by functionality. A regular user does not create a new point in OSM maps, so Locus will lose a photo from this place.
@Žajdlík Josef

There is certainly potential for simplification when it comes to adding photos to LoPoints.

However, I take a critical view of your suggestion "Create new LoPoint from photo". Every LoPoint is a point/POI in openStreetMap. (But not every point/POI in OSM is also a LoPoint).

The basis of the maps and the LoPoints is OSM and it should stay that way. If you want to have a new LoPoint, you must first add it as a new point/POI in OSM, provided it fulfils the criteria there. If it then fulfils Assam's requirements for a LoPoint, a LoPoint will be generated from it after a few days, to which you can then add a photo.

But not all of them. Example: a bench in OSM does not become a LoPoint. A shelter, on the other hand, does.
Ahoj, dospěl jsem ke stejnému závěru. Jen těch obrazovek, které je třeba proklikat kvůli každé fotce... Chtělo by to celý proces zásadně zjednodušit. Na obrazovkách je dost místa na to, aby se daly sdružit.
Osobně by se mi ale líbil tento postup. Vyfotit vše běžným způsobem. Doma si pak zobrazit fotky na mapě pomocí funkce Geotagované fotky. Kliknout na fotku poblíž Lopointu a vybrat u ní možnost "Přiřadit k Lopointu". Ten zvolit kliknutím na Lopoint v mapě. Mnohdy se taky stane, že Lopoint v mapě ještě neexistuje. V tomto případě by ještě mohlo být v náhledu fotky tlačítko "Vytvořit nový Lopoint z fotografie"
Ahoj, doufám že nebude vadit že použiji toto vlákno místo abych zakládal další s podobným ne-li stejným názvem...

Chtěl jsem přidávat fotografie k LoPointům, ale:
- první zkušenost jsem udělal přímo v terénu. Bylo to ale zdlouhavé, zvláště když jsem lovil signál na odeslání a zobrazení dalších... Po několika málo přidáních jsem toho musel zanechat, neboť to sklízelo značnou nevoli u dalších účastníků výletu.
- podruhé jsem se rozhodl fotit rozcestníky, přístřešky a další zajímavá místa která by mohla mít svůj LoPoint s tím že je přidám později v klidu doma. To bylo ale snad ještě horší vzít z každé fotografie souřadnice a podívat se zda je tam LoPoint a případně přidat :( ...   
- nyní jsem se rozhodl pro další bohužel předem nevyzkoušenou možnost. Vyfotit jako v předešlém případě a posléze přidat fotky do mapy a podle toho přidávat... Jenže
  - v Locus Map 3 Classic který mám zakoupený mohu přidat fotografie, ale nevidím LoPointy ke kterým bych je přiřadil.
  - v Locus Map 4 který placený nemám sice vidím LoPointy ale nemohu přidat fotografie do mapy...
NEEXISTUJE nějaká další jednoduchá možnost? Třeba dočasného přidání fotografií (které jinak v mapě nepoužívám, ale v tomto případě by se to hodilo).
Případně děkuji za jakýkoliv tip (na jednodušší přidávání fotografií k LoPointum).
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.28.+ ( 2...
Last post by Graf Geo - March 03, 2025, 18:39:32
Quote from: Menion on March 03, 2025, 14:48:54@Graf Geo
.. and others
centering > I have found one possible reason for problematic behavior. Check next version (end of the week), thanks!

style of the sub-folder > we've renamed it to the "Use style of the parent folder" - it will be more universal.

Thanks Menion, with the Afa_4.28.1.1_1169_beta.apk the map centering button works again if no GPS is available. 👍

Style of folder: Correct, the style of the parent folder is taken. However, the new name has not yet been implemented in the new beta. But this is not urgent.
Troubles & Questions / Re: External GPS not working
Last post by Menion - March 03, 2025, 14:58:30
I've made a quick search and detailed answer is below. Seems that this device does not natively provide required functionality to serve as external GPS device together with Locus Map app, sorry.

Using the Garmin eTrex Solar as an external GPS receiver for an Android device is not officially supported by Garmin. The eTrex series is primarily designed for standalone navigation and does not natively transmit NMEA data over Bluetooth for use by external applications.

However, some users have explored workarounds with other Garmin devices. For instance, discussions around the GPSMAP series suggest that while direct Bluetooth transmission of NMEA data isn't supported, a wired connection might be possible, though this would require specific configurations and isn't guaranteed to work seamlessly.

For Android applications that support external GNSS devices over NMEA messages via Bluetooth, dedicated external GPS receivers like the Garmin GLO 2 are recommended. These devices are designed to pair with smartphones and tablets, providing accurate location data and are known to work well with various Android applications.

In summary, while using the eTrex Solar as an external GPS for an Android device isn't officially supported and may not provide the desired functionality, opting for dedicated external GPS receivers compatible with Android is a more reliable solution.