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Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.27.+ ( 1...
Last post by Tapio - December 16, 2024, 21:24:43
I have not experienced a crash any more. But the issue where it always returns to rotation is still there. This one:
[CZ&SK] - diskuze o Locusu / Re: Nefunkční navigační šipka.
Last post by Joska 000 - December 16, 2024, 18:17:47

Vracel jsem se ke starší verzi, bo tam je to funkční, ale zarazilo mě, že si musím mapu opět zakoupit. Edit: Tak sorry nějak jsem se v tom obchodě ztratil.

Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.27.+ ( 1...
Last post by Menion - December 16, 2024, 14:34:37
This is mainly for the developers of themes. I believe they will notice during work on themes and modify themes appropriately.

The info is based on the size of the images inside. Currently, half of the automatically reported app crashes are caused by some Korean theme with huge images inside. So I would like to prevent this in the future.
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.27.+ ( 1...
Last post by balloni55 - December 16, 2024, 14:26:19
what is this information good for?
once I have selected the theme, the information disappears
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.27.+ ( 1...
Last post by balloni55 - December 16, 2024, 14:20:16
QuoteIs your setup still correct? Mainly selected target directory.
manual backup and and upload to GD work, as well restore from GD work
[CZ&SK] - diskuze o Locusu / Re: Nefunkční navigační šipka.
Last post by Menion - December 16, 2024, 13:19:10
Pošli prosím screenshot, jaká šipka nefunguje, díky.

Přeinstall na starší verzi je komplikovaný, jelikož se musí stará apka odebrat což sebou nese i smazání všech dat (na A11+). Doporučuji raději nedělat. A LoMapy se dají stahovat opakovaně. Ostatní mapy často ne, pozor na to.
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.27.+ ( 1...
Last post by Menion - December 16, 2024, 13:17:20
It is correct. Sync is in heavy testing and will probably be available in the end of Jan.
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.27.+ ( 1...
Last post by slarti76 - December 16, 2024, 11:55:40
Quote from: Menion on December 16, 2024, 08:36:24@slarti76
better here
Thx a bunch, totally missed that one - sounds very promising!

Just one quick question (I know, I should read the thread, but 10 pages is a little much to search for this information): Is it still correct that Cloud Sync is not yet available with v2? Because I don't see myself trying it before that's the case (as I don't have a spare device for that right now).
[CZ&SK] - diskuze o Locusu / Nefunkční navigační šipka.
Last post by Joska 000 - December 16, 2024, 09:41:12
Po poslední aktualizaci v.4.27.1 mi nějak nefunguje navigační šipka v horní liště. Při přepnutí na kompas je to OK. Ještě malý dotaz. Pokud udělám přeinstal na dřívější verzi, tak si musím opět zakoupit mapu? Myslel jsem si si, že je uložena v záloze. Ale možná jsem na to nějak nepřišel.
Locus Map / Re: [APP] - version 4.27.+ ( 1...
Last post by Menion - December 16, 2024, 08:36:24
@Andrew Heard
in the latest public version, the border around the rotation icon is white, so it should not be so bad as on your screens!

hmm, it looks like as some problem with the device itself. Closing of Locus Map solved issue for example with the top bar?

weird, nothing changed for sure regarding the backup system + it works fine for me. Is your setup still correct? Mainly selected target directory.

better here