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Messages - Jan Čapek

iOS version / Re: Locus Map on Macbook
Yesterday at 13:47:51
Quote from: DollyNicolas on January 06, 2025, 10:58:08Is it currently added to Macbook?.
Hi, no, it is currently not in our priority list, sorry. I expect to reevaluate this during summer or autumn.
Hi dancatt, I am afraid it will not be soon as complexity of our Locus Map on Android is mind blowing even for us sometimes.  ;D And due to tremendous work ahead of us with this, we can't make any promises.

That being said we are prioritizing most missing features and hope that next year it will be able to cover many more use cases that our users are used to from the full-fledged Locus Map on Android. So please stay tuned!
iOS version / Re: Locus Map on Macbook
July 12, 2024, 10:29:19
Hi, support for Macbooks was not yet decided. It is not much about technical aspects, but there are some legal and product questions which we first must analyse before making the decision.   

In the meantime, you can rely on our web planner:
Hi Stefan, place the ideas to our helpdesk portal, in this case particulary here:

There, others would also be able to vote for them.
Hello to everyone who is waiting for Locus Map on iOS.

We are not there yet, but we believe we are on right track. We just released our first version of Locus Map Lite in Apple Store. Click on the link to learn about its current capabilities and download it.

For some of you, current feature set will not be enough, but some will be glad to use the app even now. And we will be working hard to bring missing and most requested features, with offline maps being one of the highest priority.

It was long way from there:  :D

Tell us your feedback and help us to shape the app for the future!
Já mohu problém jen potvrdit. GPX je (když pominu ty ms inkrementy v časech) v pořádku, tedy chybějící body na trase v trkpt svojí lokaci v pořádku mají.
Tu rovnou čáru na začátku trasy kreslí jak mobilní Locus Map, tak web plánovač. @Menion mohu kdykoliv nasimulovat.  Myslím, že toto jde za námi.
Locus Map for Garmin / Re: Locus Map for Garmin
February 13, 2024, 09:18:23
Hi blackdog, sorry for such late reply, missed your post. You can have track on this map screen if you record activity within the app via watch. In case you are recording on Locus Map app in mobile phone, the track is not rendered here.
Other features / Re: Online search
February 13, 2024, 09:13:56
Hi freischneider, thanks for the ideas. Yes, both are planned, we only had to put bigger search upgrades on hold due to other dev priorities, so hopefully we will get back to it in the mid of this year. So sorry it takes so long to continue on this.
Hi, just additional note to 5)  - we are planning to bring login also to our main page (to the top bar just like on web planner), so I guess it will be less confusing then.
Hi, I know I am late, but can't it be because of full Garmin memory?
Locus Map for Garmin / Re: Epix 2 pro
September 15, 2023, 16:32:56
Hi, I finally managed to rebuild the app without sacrificing its features, added all new devices except Instinct crossover and Edges! Hope it will work for you now!
Other features / Re: Online search
August 17, 2023, 17:45:25
Again that Google Maps sharing. :) Wait please for next release of the app, I believe it will have major impact on your experience in this. Marek and Menion are doing their magic tricks there now. ;) Lets just hope Google don't change the things on their side soon again..

On other hand, all reports of bad experience while using our new online search are welcomed as we are able to separate/sort  them into technical aspects which we are planning to focus on. This give us better ability to determine whether our expected implementations will make significant change for you or not. Thanks.
Other features / Re: Online search
August 16, 2023, 16:27:40
@michaelbechtold Would you or others please share some examples of searches (exact term together with your map/cursor location and app language) where our new search fails and where old Google (still available in Locus Map Classic) works fine to try to replicate? I am not telling new search is better, but want to be sure we don't miss anything here as I am frankly surprised how unusable you are reporting it is. It is for sure possible we are getting better results on our end because of combination language app, search term language and OSM POI data with their name translations.

Please separate it from the problem with sharing POI from Google Maps. I think that is clear now and it is separate issue/project for us.

As mentioned before, we think we know well what has to be improved or changed now in order to get better results or be more intuitive. But as we soon to jump on it again, I want to be sure we really have clear picture of all issues.

Quote from: Tapio on August 12, 2023, 10:43:03For some reason, I don't like the presentation of the new searches results.
Would you please elaborate a little?
Locus Map for Garmin / Re: Epix 2 pro
August 14, 2023, 17:48:54
Hi, date of adding new devices to the compatibility list is currently unknown, sorry. Unfortunately Garmin "improved" their Connect IQ platform again without prior notice so old and more complex apps like Locus Garmin addon can't be updated anymore and we are analyzing possible next steps. I hope I will know more to the end of August.
Other features / Re: Online search
August 10, 2023, 18:07:26
Quote from: Tapio on August 10, 2023, 16:11:40But well, they may already do that.
Yes, we do. :) This is indeed super complex topic under the hood.

Quote from: joeloc on August 09, 2023, 19:14:49To be brutally honest, I wouldn't mind if you completely removed online search from Locus.
Well, you don't need to use it then. :) In reality Locus Map can't rely on other apps to search places nowadays. We are well aware that choosing beforehand where to do search is not up to today standards. That is why we are changing it.

I see that by offline you mean local user content search and by online the one similar to Google. In reality it is more complicated than that. But I am confident it will do exactly what you described as preferred in your post in the end (+ it finds you even the mountain ;)  ). 

But it will take some time so thank you for your patience:
1st stage - online general places (adresses&POIs&..) search (we are here)
2nd stage - offline general places search
3th stage - revamping other local searches

All stages will be combined together in the end, so you will just have to type the string and then do the choosing from the result offerings - presented in the way to suits all scenarios in best possible compromise. Not want to go into the details there now, long way to go. Of course, you will still be able to search just in your tracks for example.

@Andrew Heard @joeloc and others:
We hear you all and thanks so much for your feedbacks. Apparently too often search of local places is rubbish and we will do our best to do something with it.

Until then, we didn't removed old offline address and POI searches. They are still there in its current old-school form. With those the app for sure would not be returning results from countries of which it hasn't downloaded map.